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About to "Commit" to CommitCRM.

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    About to "Commit" to CommitCRM.

    I have been using the trial version for about a month or so now. It reaaly looks like it might work better than our in house software.

    I just wanted to get some pros/cons from others (perhaps compared to other similar packages) here before we actually take the plunge.

    Thank you

    Re: About to "Commit" to CommitCRM.

    Have been using CommitCRM for several months now, first in test, now in production.
    Very positive:
    -their email tech support is prompt, extremely helpful, and will dialog on knotty issues.
    -keep finding more and more features
    -often several ways to do same thing and our employees like the choices
    -having multiple windows open at same time is real nice
    -integration with QuickBooks is good
    -each quarter or so they are adding new features in response to their customers
    -recurring contracts, tickets, tasks, appointments, assets work really well for us
    -no global searching (say like Google in QuickBooks) although the searching within a section like tickets is good
    -program is so rich in features and workflow that it does take time to get used to (so would every other program)


      Re: About to "Commit" to CommitCRM.

      Thanks for the quick review. Shame no one else chimed in. :(


        Re: About to "Commit" to CommitCRM.

        Hey MachTen -

        I've noticed the same - the product is robust to say the least, the support team is so far stellar and we see great things ahead.

        That said - there's not much community here.

        One suggestion I'd make - look at connecting the community from within the tool itself. Add a tab that taps into and makes possible to interact with the community from withinCommitCRM.

        This could eventually lead to the ability for users to connect and form partnerships. Something ConnectWise has done in the last year is add the ability - through a central server - for users to link up and share tickets or projects through a partnership link. So you could search for folks in the community within geographic regions, by skill set, etc and form partnerships to deliver to your clients something out of your scope. All the data related to the tickets and projects that your partner executes is seamlessly loaded into your local DB and allows you to bill out to the client based on the time your partner put in.

        ON a simpler side a product called SpiceWorks has leveraged the community to improve the toolset and put the community in touch with one another through peer run forums and groups. So, when you're stuck on that odd Exchange issue - you can post it to the community. This has been a great resource.

        I think in the future these sort of steps could help CommitCRM to develop a stronger community - and right now - that is something that is truly helping to build better products - strong community involvement and interaction.


          Re: About to "RangerMSP" to RangerMSP.

          Thank you all for the feedback.

          At RangerMSP we serve thousands of IT professionals, and the number grows fast. We are extremely connected to the community and to our users, and the product would never have been even close to what it is today without you.

          We are involved in numerous discussions about the product, about what is missing, what will make it better and what will help our community users run their IT businesses better.

          99% of our daily communications with our users is currently direct. We believe that this is the result of our personal and responsive support that many times makes it more appealing for users to contact us directly and discuss open issues with us personally. We wish we could post all this on the forum, but when someone contacts us directly we usually respect their decision to run a direct, non public, discussion. We do get numerous feedback items this way from the community and improve our services and products accordingly.

          Actually, we do believe in enhancing our community sharing and the latest release of RangerMSP, version 4.4, already includes a direct link to the community forum from the Help menu. It provides easy links to opening a new thread or browsing the forum. Besides, we also have plans on integrating this even further in the product and allowing easier communication between members - stay tuned.

          Customer relations manager


            Re: About to "Commit" to CommitCRM.

            Hi Sheli,

            Just wanted to clarify my post - we DO see that you ARE active in your community.

            We are NOT talking about the CommitCRM team's "commitment" to their users but rather the ability for their users to be more easily "commited" to the ongoing dialogue.

            The forums are a great first start. And a link from within the program is a fine addition.

            However, what I'm referring to is giving more voice to the users to interacte with one another - so that we can more easily review and interact with post and discussions created by our peers.

            This would be best done WITHIN the application because once you have to leave and open a browser it is a disconnect. And since most of us are busy working we often won't have time to do it.

            I would urge you to take a look at Their tool has done a great job of integrating community within the interface and I think future editions of CommitCRM - somewhere down the road - could benefit from allowing it's users to more easily engage one another from within the application.

            Again, we think your internal team is doing a great job - I think the adjective I used to describe your response was "stellar" - so please don't take this as negative in any way.

            This is all meant as constructive discussion.


              Re: About to "RangerMSP" to RangerMSP.

              Hi FunctionOne,

              Thanks again for your great feedback! We really appreciate your involvement and support.
              Your suggestion on making the forum more accessible from within the application is very constructive and is taken seriously...



