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Tracking Profitiabiliy and Utilisation (executive summary)

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    Tracking Profitiabiliy and Utilisation (executive summary)

    Hi Guys,
    Is there some reports in CommitCRM that will allow use to track closely not much revenue has been charged for the last week, months etc.
    The client with the highest number of hours changed,
    How many hours the techs have been working this week, compare to last week, last month etc.

    I guess I am looking for a one page executive summary report to get a quick snapshot of the state of things.


    Re: Tracking Profitiabiliy and Utilisation (executive summary)


    RangerMSP already provides you with many useful reports, which can help you see the current status, such as Charge reports by employee (especially the Monthly Hours Summary by Employee, and the Billable Hours Charge by Employee which are very useful), charges by Accounts, by contracts and more. You also have various ticket summaries, history reports, and much more. You can try out the various system reports from the Reports window.

    In addition, we are planning on releasing a Dashboard in one of our coming releases (the coming release or the one after - we tend to release a new version every few months). I believe this will provide you with an even easier way to see the summary information. The Dashboard will allow you to define a set of queries, and view the results in tabular and graphic ways, so you can see the current status in a snapshot.


