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Custom Reports in the print/preview list

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    Custom Reports in the print/preview list

    How do we get our Custom Reports to display in the "Select and preview Ticket report" menu? When renaming the reports they disappear...

    * We received this message directly and published it here for the benefit of our community users.

    Re: Custom Reports in the print/preview list

    When you rename custom reports, this may result in them disappearing from the "select and preview ticket report" list since they need to fit with some naming rules:
    Reports which have the word "List" in their name will not appear in the reports list in the ticket window, so if you have any custom reports which you do not need in the list, you can rename the report to contain "List" (you may need to restart RangerMSP client or reopen the tickets window for this). Also note that Charge reports will only appear when the Charge report name includes the word "Form" in them.

    To rename the report, go to the custom reports list, select the report, and from the Reports menu > select Rename…

