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Tax on Charges

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    Tax on Charges

    Hi All,

    I recently purchased CommitCRM (v4.5) & QuickBooks (2008/2009) and am new to both products. I am based in Australia and need to include GST (tax of 10%) on all invoices.

    The problem I'm having is when I modify a Charge price from an Item's default price the change is not reflected in the QB invoice, eg. Onsite labor rate default = $100/hr, when creating a Charge I may wish to use $80/hr but the invoice is produced based on $100/hr.

    If I set QuickBooks - Preferences - Tax - Company Preferences “Sales Figures” to "Net" – invoicing works however I need to use ex GST pricing in CommitCRM (what a pain!). When I set QuickBooks to "Gross", the problem exists - any modification to Charge prices is ignored and invoices are created based on QuickBooks Item pricing.

    I'm hoping I've failed to configure this correctly - any ideas?

    Re: Tax on Charges

    Hi Darren, Similar problem here Just testing the trial version I can't get the tax code GST to appear in QB Invoices. I have followed all instructions nothing works, waiting for support reply. Have you got the same issue as well? Based In Melbourne by the way.


      Re: Tax on Charges

      Hi alinkns - I'm not sure, but it sounds like an issue with the QuickBooks Tax settings.

      When it comes to using taxes in RangerMSP, this applies only to Charge reports which are generated in RangerMSP and display taxes which are defined in RangerMSP. Once you export the charges to QuickBooks invoices, the QuickBooks tax settings are used, and this has nothing to do with the taxes defined in RangerMSP.

      In any case, as far as it goes regarding using taxes in RangerMSP, you should define the tax both for the items and the accounts. You can read more about using Taxes in RangerMSP here.

      I hope this helps.



        Re: Tax on Charges

        Thanks CommitCRM Support, I understand all that and I have taken all the steps as per instructions, tax has been defined in both places.

        Here's the problem, creating a QB Invoice (not through CommitCRM CRM) I will select an item and the tax is inserted automatically in it respective item line as it should.

        I create a CRM invoice selecting the same item (Item Linked to QB so same item in both QB and CRM) and export it to QB the tax is not inserted in this case.
        It's as if CRM is not allowing QB to input the tax in its own respective place.

        So this means that every time I create an invoice through CRM I have to insert that tax manually, ( imagine an invoice with 25 items) which will cost me a lot of time.

        We love this application and really want to use it , but this is a major thing for us so I hope we can resolve it.

        Please advise further.


          Re: Tax on Charges

          Just a quick update - after a remote session the taxes seem to work once defined correctly in QuickBooks. alinkns will let us know if this happens again.

          RangerMSP Support

