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Re-queue a ticket

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    Re-queue a ticket

    Is there any way to re-queue a ticket to be dispatched from the ticket window module (not the ticket list). Example technician goes on site and determines a hardware part is needed for a service. He orders the part and is waiting for delivery. He adds the part order to the resolution notes and changes the tickets status from scheduled to in-progress. When the part comes in the service manager needs to see that the ticket needs to be scheduled and should be in the queue. It appears the only way to re-queue is from the list and clicking the dispatch column. When the part comes in It would be easier for the technician to do the status change and mark it for dispatch from the actual ticket .

    * We received this message directly and published it here for the benefit of our community users.

    Re: Re-queue a ticket

    Sure, you can update the ticket from the ticket window, in the Details tab. You should simply select the "Show ticket in dispatcher" check box and save the change. This will display the ticket back in the dispatcher window (this does the same action as clicking the dispatch column in the list).

