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customer feedback feature

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    customer feedback feature

    hi all

    i would like to see a customer feedback option in CommitCRM as its so important to keep customers happy and grow accordingly

    just a way to track if feedback has been received for each completed ticket

    i want a staff member to phone/email each customer for each closed ticket and obtain their feedback, eg job completed ok, any more issues, do you want fries with that?

    i can see the potential for this in the "status" field for each ticket

    but i cant see a way to add a ticket status, eg "feedback"

    then we would need a report filtering status "feedback" which gives us a list to obtain feedback from the customers

    then we could copy/write the feedback into the notes section for the ticket

    i dont want to have to ask customers to do it themselves via the web interface as it wont happen

    there would then have to be another status field called "feedback completed" etc to complete this task

    the ability to automatically email a customer on ticket completed asking for feedback would be another excellent feature


    Re: customer feedback feature


    using the ticket "Status Ext." (status extension) field, you can enhance the ticket status to represent additional situations. For example, when a ticket is completed, and you want to get feedback for it, you can set the status Ext. field to "Awaiting Feedback" (the Status Ext. is customizable). You can then easily filter tickets lists and reports by status "Completed" and "Awaiting Feedback", to receive the list of customers you should be calling for feedback. You can also contact these customers via email (manually at the moment) from RangerMSP by clicking the email icon from the account window.

    You can then add a history note with the feedback, or just update the notes, and update the Status Ext. to be empty or to whatever status you wish to represent.

    You can read some more about possible usage for the Status Ext. field in this forum thread.



      Re: customer feedback feature

      hi ethan

      I can now generate a report that shows me completed tickets that I need to get customers feedback from - works well


      My other custom ticket reports which generate ticket lists, eg

      1 - open tickets - eg jobs i have to do

      2 - completed and not charged tickets - customers i haven’t billed yet

      These 2 reports now only filter on the new feedback report i just created

      Seems to me that if i modify a custom tickets report then all other custom ticket reports hold those same settings

      This basically means i have to manually select the options each time to get the report i want

      It seems like there is no ability to save the report settings?

      I now have 3 (tickets) reports:

      1 - open tickets report - eg jobs i have to do

      2 - completed and not charged tickets report - customers i haven’t billed yet

      3 - customer feedback report - customers i need to get feedback from

      I have to go into each and change the criteria to suit

      How can i set this criteria for each and save it so i don’t have to change it each time?



        Re: customer feedback feature


        When customizing reports this allows you to change the report layout and add/remove fields and save it as your own report.

        The report generation step, where you select the filtering criteria is done each time you generate the report. While in the same session, the system saves the criteria for similar reports, however, there is no way to save the filter for other sessions or per report. We may add such functionality in the future, however, at the moment you should enter the filtering criteria per report generation.

        Note that when filtering lists in the application, you can save the filter itself and give it a name, so you will be able to easily use this filter again next time you wish to see the same filtering in the lists. To do this, click the Filter option in the window's toolbar and save the filter once you are done (click the Save icon in the filter window).

        I hope this helps.



          Re: customer feedback feature

          this does the trick, although being able to save the reports with the filters you need would be a good addition, sometimes i prefer to print out a list to take with me or scribble on etc, rather than have to use the application


