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Feature Request: Timer enhancement

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    Feature Request: Timer enhancement

    I like being able to start the timer when a call comes in and click the button to add charges to it. In a future release can you add a buttons for create ticket and create history as well? This would allow us to make our process to open the timer on every call, enter notes in that area and after the call is complete determine if it should have charges added to it, be turned into a ticket, or turned into a history entry.

    Also being able to have a web based timer would be helpful as well.


    Re: Feature Request: Timer enhancement

    Hi ascendnet,

    thanks for the suggestion - adding the option to create a history note and a ticket from the timer window sounds like a cool idea and I put it in our requests system. The Web based timer is definitely cool, although I'm not sure it's so simple to implement... I logged this one as well to be evaluated.

    BTW, at the moment, if this helps, you can create the charge from the timer, and from the New Charge Window, click the '+' in the Ticket field to add a new ticket for this charge. This way you won't have to create the ticket in advance, but rather on the fly, while adding the new charge.




      Re: Feature Request: Timer enhancement

      I recently read that you can add charges from the timer. And was reading a post suggesting that you can add history notes to record support calls that don't necessarily need a ticket. That is what made me think it would be great to start everything from the timer instead of trying to figure out what type of record to create when a call comes in.


        Re: Feature Request: Timer enhancement

        In regards to the web-based timer concept - take a look at

        Prior to purchasing CommitCRM we have been using Freshbooks to manage all our time tracking and billing. They have a simple web-based timer that opens in it's own custom-sized browser window and offers start/stop/reset capabilities for the time and simple project/category selection for applying time to the appropriate activity.

        It seems like a relatively simple widget and we've lived by it for almost the entire year. All our techs use it when onsite and also working from home to ensure they track all the time spent on various tasks by client.

        This also allows us to capture non-billable activities so we can easily dissect our business over time and find out how profitable a particular client or activity has been and ascertain the true profitability of the company.

        I'd highly recommend this if we still have no intention of developing a .net client.


          Re: Feature Request: Timer enhancement

          Hi FunctionOne,

          Yes, the timer function is indeed very helpful, and in RangerMSP it allows you to easily charge the time from the timer window. Note that when the tech is on-site, this time is usually scheduled already using the dispatcher, and the tech can update the appointment when on-site and then easily charge the appointment itself directly from the Web Interface (in the appointment window > Create From Appointment > Labor Charge), so usually there is less need for a real "timer" when on-site.

          That said, we do see how adding this functionality from the Web Interface can be helpful in some cases, and we appreciate your input on this option. I have forwarded your suggestions to the dev team to check it out.




            Re: Feature Request: Timer enhancement

            Was this web timer ever implemented? I am looking for that same feature. Thanks!


              Re: Feature Request: Timer enhancement

              As of version 7.0, the Web Interface doesn't yet have the Timer function, however you may be happy to learn that the next version of RangerMSP will include one... :-)

