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Problem with Outlook Sync

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    Problem with Outlook Sync

    we have set up our excange server and i am trying to sync it with outlook on my client machine. so i run the CommitCRM client from my machine and try to sync with outlook on my machine and get the following message : error synching accounts, could not find the outlook folder (Ver 4.5XXXX) i get the same message for tasks and appointments

    Re: "Sync to Outlook" Question


    This message looks like it indicates a privileges issue when trying to access the Outlook folders. You should make sure you have full access rights to the Exchange folder before you try to sync with it.

    What you should make sure is that the Windows user running the RangerMSP application on this desktop has full access rights to the Outlook folders on the Exchange server. One way to check this is running Outlook with your own user, and open all the folders you are trying to sync with. You should make sure you can add/update/delete appointments, tasks and contacts in these folders. I believe once you verify all folders are accessible from Outlook for this user, this should work for you.

    I hope this helps.



      Re: "Sync to Outlook" Question

      hi Ethan, I have changed the permissions for the outlook folders for all staff in outlook on my local machine and outlook on the server where CommitCRM resides. i then access CommitCRM from my local machine using the CommitCRM client and try to sync and get the same message at in my previous thread



        Re: Problem with Outlook Sync


        If you changed the privileges settings you should reselect the folders for each of the users trying to sync. For each user, go to Tools > Options > Outlook, click the "Select" button, and reselect the correct folder for the synchronizing.

        After selecting the correct folders, run Outlook on your PC, and make sure you have the ability to add, update and delete appointments tasks and contacts for each of the users you are trying to sync.

        After all this works, I believe the sync should work for you.



          Re: Problem with Outlook Sync

          I had to go into my account, tools -- > options --> outlook tab and set the folder information for contacts, tasks, and appointments and this eliminated the above mentioned error

