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Attaching/Recording Web Sites

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    Attaching/Recording Web Sites

    I was wondering what is the recommended way to keep track of web pages that assist in resolving a ticket?

    Should we be adding a history note, a document, or text in the notes field to the ticket? I don't see any option to attach a KB article or weblink of sorts. So what is everyone doing for this?


    Re: Attaching/Recording Web Sites


    Our input on this is that you can keep links to web sites in Knowledge Base articles. When editing an article, each linkable text (e.g. Support) will appear as linkable in the article view.

    You can also easily turn tickets into articles once they are resolved by using the More Actions button in the ticket window tool bar, and selecting the option "New Knowledge Base Article from Ticket".



      Re: Attaching/Recording Web Sites

      I don't see where you can link a KB article to a ticket.


        Re: Attaching/Recording Web Sites

        Knowledge base articles do not link to service tickets, but rather you can create a knowledge base article based on a ticket (on the Tickets window toolbar use the 'More Actions' option and select 'New Knowledge Base Article from Ticket').
        As for keeping track which KB articles helped solving a specific ticket you may indeed use History Notes under the Ticket, or the Notes tab to log this info.



          Re: Attaching/Recording Web Sites

          Can you add a request to be able to add web links to tickets someplace? Maybe a KB article is not the best place if we don't want to have a KB article for every web page that helps to solve an issue.


            Re: Attaching/Recording Web Sites

            Sure. That's make sense. Besides, you may consider adding a single/few knowledge base article/s that lists URLs / Links to Web resources by subject, something like a central bookmarks place where all links are shared between all technicians, and new Web resources can be added whenever you find anything valuable.



              Re: Attaching/Recording Web Sites

              I can see the benefit of doing it both ways.



                Re: Attaching/Recording Web Sites

                Has this functionality been updated? I have a ticket about completing a certain software task, and am encountering an issue with the software. I have posted an issue to a forum, much like this one, on the vendor's web site. I want a direct link to that forum article while I'm working the ticket. I don't want a KB article. I tried dragging a browser link onto the CommitCRM ticket and received the message "Cannot drag this type of item from Commit"--kind of strange since I was dragging TOCommitCRM.



                  Re: Attaching/Recording Web Sites

                  Hi Mark,

                  This functionality hasn't been updated yet. The way you want to use it sounds helpful, i hope we will be able to get to it soon. As for the message - seems like a typo, I'll report this, thanks :-)


