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Accounts, Contacts, Secondary Contacts

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    Accounts, Contacts, Secondary Contacts

    just started the demo and creat a sync between by outlook and CommitCRM.

    First Sinc, Import went great.

    In outlook I kept a contact record for serverl people at one company.

    It would seem in CommitCRM that I would want want one account, with a primary contact and the rest in the secondary "contacts" field of the account, right?

    any way to combine those so I am not doing a lot of typing

    Once I get the secondary contacts entered do I delete the individual account records?

    What will this do on the resync to outlook.

    Any details appreciated.

    Also I noticed when I setup that I have a primary account for my compnay and an employee accouint for me that I log in with.

    Any way to combine those as I work for myself?

    Re: Accounts, Contacts, Secondary Contacts


    In Outlook, Contacts represent a single contact point for each record. When syncing with RangerMSP, each Outlook Contact creates a separate Account inRangerMSP. In case you want to create secondary accounts in RangerMSP, you should probably start with creating these accounts inRangerMSP. Once you have all the secondary contacts in RangerMSP, you can sync with Outlook, and this will create an Outlook Contact per secondary contact, and they will all have the same "company name" in Outlook.

    As for the employee account, employees have a a special type of account, and this cannot be set as a secondary contact for your company. The employees are listed under the Employees window and your company name is automatically copied to the employee's company field upon creation.

    I hope this makes the contacts and accounts relation clearer now.


