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Error/Issues when installing on Windows Server 2003...

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    Error/Issues when installing on Windows Server 2003...

    I am running a Windows 2003 Standard Server on which I have installed CommitCRM using the installer found on your website for the 30 day trial. Upon installation of the server and client portions, I have used the server configuration utility to set email account information

    If I run the server, I do not see a service running via Computer Management -> Services or via the Task Manager.

    If I run the client, a message pops up that tells me about running CommitCRM in a terminal service environment. As soon as I click on the "Close" button for this message, the CommitCRM splash screen disappears and no program ever comes up.

    I am including a log file's content below. Please let me know what other information you are in need of to track this down.

    [11/18/2008-22:43:18-(609) v4.5.0.3]

    FirstWrite 18112008_224318 OS:2 5 2 3790 Service Pack 2 klanders BEZ-WS1

    Exception_Class=EADSDatabaseError 0
    Exception_Msg=Error 5185: Local server connections are restricted in this environment. See the 5185 error code documentation for details. axServerConnect
    EADSDatabaseError = 5185 0
    Desc=Procedure stopped.

    You can run CommitCRM while using remote control technologies such as Remote Desktop, Terminal Services and Citrix.

    Please contact CommitCRM support for more information on how to allow this.
    Forms_E=ActiveForm:TDatLoadingFrm DatLoadingFrm ActiveControl:TDatLoadingFrm DatLoadingFrm DatLoading_Unit
    0.TDatLoadingFrm DatLoadingFrm 1
    1.TSecurityFrm SecurityFrm 0 SecurityFrm
    2.TDatForm DatForm 0 Commit

    Thanks - Scubes13

    Re: Error/Issues when installing on Windows Server 2003...

    Hi scubes13,

    As for the first part - RangerMSPServer service is not automatically installed with the installation ofRangerMSP. This is because not everyone want to use it right from the start, and also because it allows you to install the server side from one of your client PCs :-)

    You should install the service manually, which is quite easy to do:
    When logged in to the server with a Window's Administrator account, open a command prompt window and enter the following command:

    <Installation_DIR>\Server\RangerMSPServer.exe -install

    Note: The <Insallation_Dir> must refer to a LOCAL server path (e.g. c:\ or D:\Software, etc.) and NOT to a shared network name/path.

    Anyway - before installing it I recommend that you review the RangerMSP Email Connector installation guide here, as well as RangerMSP Alerts Server installation guide here.

    As for the message you see when running over TS - I assume that you are trying to run RangerMSP client on your server while TS to the server. You should install RangerMSP client on your client PC by running <server>\RangerMSP\Utils\Install\InstallClient.e xe on your local PC. You should then be able to use RangerMSP client. BTW, it is also possible to use RangerMSP client with TS, for this you need to be using SQL Database, anyway, I don't think you currently need this, simply install RangerMSP client on your PC and you're done.



