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Backup your RangerMSP data

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    Backup your RangerMSP data

    Performing a backup of your data within the RangerMSP system is very important.

    You can perform a partial backup, which backs up the RangerMSP database only using RangerMSP's backup tool, or perform a full backup, which saves the entire RangerMSP system.

    Should you need to restore a backup you will be able to do this easily and be back to business in no time.

    Click here for more details on how to backup and how to restore your RangerMSP data.

    Re: Backup your CommitCRM data

    Is there a way to script the backups via command line to automate them?


      Re: Backup your RangerMSP data


      Yes, it is actually recommended to back up the entire RangerMSP server folder and all its sub folders on occasion. This will enable you to restore the files much faster should you need to do so. Any backup utility/program should work, such as the standard tape backup, zip, rar, etc. and you can run it from your own script to automate this process.

      Note that you should make sure that no one is using RangerMSP during a full backup, including RangerMSP services (i.e. the RangerMSP Web Interface and RangerMSP Server services). We do offer an automated way to verify this (which is how RangerMSP performs the backup when using the internal backup tool), however, this should be used carefully. If you need any help with this please contact us directly, as we want to make sure you receive the detailed instructions for this.


