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Customizing Ticket Status Titles

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    Customizing Ticket Status Titles

    Noticed today we can provide alternate text options for the pre-existing ticket statuses in the options but these 'alternate text' entries only appear in the Status column of the ticket listing. The names are still the same default options in the drop-downs.

    So for example - we wanted to change one item from say 'hold' to 'completed-pending update' - the status column now shows our updated text but the drop down list still only shows the option 'hold'.

    Can we make it so we can fully define ALL ticket statuses and see the titles we'd like to suggest?

    Or am I missing something?

    Re: Customizing Ticket Status Titles


    Actually, renaming ticket statuses (which can be done from Tools > Options > Tickets), takes affect both on the pull-down menus and any other place.

    Note that you should close your already-open ticket windows, and open a new tickets window. In the new window you will see the new status names both in the drop-down list and in the selected value.



      Re: Customizing Ticket Status Titles

      OK - got it - closed and reopened CommitCRM and it took effect.

      I'm curious - a lot of these types of issues result from the fact the application doesn't seem to refresh on it's own when changes are made.

      Would this experience be different if we were running CommitCRM on the SQL DB version? What is the biggest benefit from moving to the SQL backend?


        Re: Customizing Ticket Status Titles

        This specific customization option is actually not very common (though exists), and is used only once in a while. In order to gain the best performance once you do customize this list you need to close the Tickets window and reopen it again, and after this the lists is already updated.

        As for SQL Database add-on - using it makes your entire system more robust and it also increases performance as all database transactions are solely processed on your server. That said, using the SQL is recommended when working with a high transaction volume, and it is required when using server-based remote access technologies, such as Terminal Services or Citrix.

        I know that users who start using SQL Database for RangerMSP are very happy with it. You can find more information about this here.



          Re: Customizing Ticket Status Titles

          Does the SQL add-on work on Server 2008?

          We're running CommitCRM successfully on Server 2008 and would like to add the SQL component but it lists only support for 2003.


            Re: Customizing Ticket Status Titles


            Yes, the latest release of SQL Database for RangerMSP officially works on Server 2008 (earlier releases should work fine as well, though they are not officially supported). We will make sure to update this on our Web site.



              Re: Customizing Ticket Status Titles

              Great to hear Neta - might need to get one last expense on the books for 2008 ;)

