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Feature Request: Timer Log

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    Feature Request: Timer Log

    I use the Ctrl-T timer a lot to try and capture more billable time. I'm now in the habit of turning it on while I answer emails for client XY, and then leaving it up for the day as I work on various small issues for them. I simply start and stop the timer as I do work for Client XY.

    This is all great - until I get distracted by something and let the timer run for 30 min while I'm on the phone or dealing with a customer. All of my carefully tracked time in 2, 5, and 7 minute allotments is now lost. If I didn't remember what the timer was before my last start time, I'm back to guessing and ballparking time for clients.

    I don't want to have to keep pushing time as billable every time I do 2 min worth of work - I want that timer to accumulate the day's emails work, and then push it at the end of 1-2 days when I have 50-80 min of time gathered.

    What I suggest is a small + button on the timer, when you click, it expands a listbox and lists the start and stop intervals from the clock. This way I could see:

    Start: 10:34:15 - End: 10:38:15
    Start: 10:57:08 - End: 11:02:02
    Start: 11:32:54 - End: 17:22:08

    And know my last line was the bad one, delete it, and have my timer going back to showing ~9 min of time accumulated.


    Re: Feature Request: Timer Log

    Hi cforger, I'm actually glad to tell you that you already have this ability in the timer window, and it actually behaves just like you describe :-)

    In the Timer window, click the Timer Properties (click the magnifying glass next to the timer stop/start button). Basically it expands a listbox and lists the start and stop intervals from the clock in the following format:

    10:34:15 - 10:38:15
    10:57:08 - 11:02:02
    11:32:54 - 17:22:08

    You can then mark the 'bad' line, right-click it, select to delete it, and have the timer go back to showing ~9 min of time accumulated.




      Re: Feature Request: Timer Log

      Well I see we agree it's a good idea. I don't know how I missed this!

      Feel free to delete this thread, it's not that helpful at the moment. :-)


        Re: Feature Request: Timer Log

        Hi cforger,

        Actually I'm really happy you put this question here and I believe it is extremely helpful. I'm sure many users miss this Timer feature, as this is quite an advanced option when using the timer, and it's not that easy to find.

        This is a great tip and I'm sure many users will benefit from it! Thanks.



          Re: Feature Request: Timer Log

          On this same topic I have been using for all of our billing to date and am in transition to using CommitCRM + QB. The nice part of Freshbooks was their web-based timer and I got in the habit of not only tracking billable time - but tracking all non-billable time as well so I could easily see the real value of a client or better project time needed for future projects.

          I'm curious what you guys might have been doing to track non-billable time to date - and if anyone ahs some best practices for using Commit's timer to track this important aspect of running your business.

          P.S. - We also list some of these items on our customers invoices - even if we aren't charging. This is an important item we learned from some of the top speakers in the MSP space. The point is to keep your invoices verbose. Show all of your work - not just billable - but the other non-billable work as well so the customer will never question your value.

          The first thing to happen when controller seat changes at a company is to review all the payables. If you're invoice comes up with just one line and a big number they will immediately flag it for review. However, if that big number is followed by a lot of supporting, and important looking, information - they will be less likely to question the value of your service.


            Re: Feature Request: Timer Log

            I do the same thing (tracking non-billable time) - The way I have it set up is a $0 dollar labour item in QB (thus in Commit) that you can call Gratis or similar. It gets billed out the same as anything else, but it's worth $0 on the invoice.


              Re: Feature Request: Timer Log

              Hi cforger-

              Thanks for the feedback. I do the same with a single item called Non-Billable Support. But I actually have several dozen categories for work items I'd like to track (non-billable items) that the client won't see sich as accounting, sales, business development, documentation mgmt, staff meetings, etc that I would like to track as well so that over time I can have the big picture as to how much time I'm really spending on a client. But not only that - how much time I'm spending for that client on various specific types of tasks.\

              THis type of data helps better price projects or products in the future once we realize just how much time is involved in supporting or executing them based on more historical data.

              THis could be done I suppose by creating a ton of zero dollar items inCommitCRM. It would be good to see some reports that could help mine this type of data and an improved timer to help us execute on that.

              I've got some ideas I can share with the dev team regarding this via email if there's interest? Would be easier so I can show screenshots.


                Re: Feature Request: Timer Log

                FunctionOne, sounds like a great way to track the work and see how you spend your time on each customer. Basically it sounds to me like you could do this by setting the charges as not-billable. This way they will not be included in QuickBooks invoices, and on the other hand you will be able to use them in charge reports, analyze your performance and price your work more accurately.

                Note that in charge reports you include Billable and Not Billable charges (you can set the filtering option). You can use the flag "Not Billable Charges included in summary" for different use-cases. This flag allows you to list all of the charges for the customer, however, the total prices will include only the billable charges. You can also filter the reports not to display the not-billable charges or display them, as needed.

                I believe this is a powerful tool and you can use it to add flexiblity simply by setting the charges as not-billable when needed.

                I hope this helps. In any case, you are always welcome to send us your suggestions, with screen shots would be great, and we will definitely look into this. Thanks.



                  Re: Feature Request: Timer Log

                  On the timer issue:

                  It would be great if CommitCRM could save open timers - I usually have a few operating at once, and if I need to reboot, I have to charge them or I lose them. If I could have them come back when I open up CommitCRM (un-charged to the account until I decide to do it) it would be grand.

                  I looked this time for a setting that does that - I couldn't find one. :-D


                    Re: Feature Request: Timer Log

                    Using the timers in this manner is interesting and we will definitely look into this. Thanks for your suggestions.



                      Re: Feature Request: Timer Log

                      Thanks - What I'm moving towards now is a seperate monitor for all my CommitCRM activities - I can keep timer logs open and stacked up for my top 10 or so clients, and just start and stop them as the phone calls come in, or as I process through their emails. My other two monitors are dedicated to email and remot desktop sessions for their servers and workstations.


                        Re: Feature Request: Timer Log

                        Another timer related post:

                        I notice that even if I have a simple time (one start and stop) in the timer, it doesn't put that time into the hour area of the charge window. If it's a simple start-stop, shouldn't it fill in that field?


                          Re: Feature Request: Timer Log

                          Thank you for your additional feedback. Actually, I'm happy to tell you that in our coming release this will already behave this way! When charging from the timer window, the start-end time of the charge will be taken from the timer window, and the actual time will be copied to the 'hours' field. This way, if you pause the timer, the start-end time will be taken as-is, however, the total calculated time will be the actual time, taking the pauses into account.



                            Re: Feature Request: Timer Log

                            Most excellent. Hurry up and get the next release out so we can use these features. :-)


                              Re: Feature Request: Timer Log

                              Agreed, i was just about to post arequest asking for the start/stop time to be entered into the charge field automatically, or the total amount of time entered in for multiple start/stops but it looks like its on the dev list already. When is the next version due?

