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Another Outlook sync question

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    Another Outlook sync question

    I've looked through the other posts and not found the answer I need.

    We run an Exchange Server with three mobile tech's, each with a laptop as their main PC. I need to setup the Outlook calendar sync for them while they are out of the office (obviously their laptop is with them). After reading the forums, I configured a spare PC in the office to run CommitCRM permanently. I setup Outlook sync and have all the Tech's accounts syncing properly using the manual sync in CommitCRM from the office PC, but I need the auto sync to work. It appears that when using the autosync feature it only syncs the user account that CommitCRM is logged in as.
    Is this correct or am I doing something wrong?

    I need each tech's CommitCRM calendar to sync with their Outlook calendar automatically. What is the best way to do this?

    Is there any news on the improvements to the Outlook sync feature that have been mentioned in the forums?

    While we're here, is it possible to have any jobs logged by the tech's added to their calendar in CommitCRM without running them through the despatcher? The idea of this is to highlight any gaps in their billed time by looking at the Calendar for the day. Not all our jobs are logged prior to completing them and not all jobs are put into the despatcher.


    Re: Another Outlook sync question

    Hi Peter,

    Thank you for your question.

    The solution you describe of running RangerMSP on a PC, with the "auto-sync" flag in your office is the current workaround for automating the Outlook sync while out of the office. The auto sync feature currently works for the current logged in user only. Performing "auto-sync for others" is on our to-do list, and I can tell you it is highly prioritized. At the moment you may consider running RangerMSP clients with "auto-sync" on more than a single PC if possible (you can also run one client directly on your server).

    Thank you for bringing this up.

    As for your last question, if I understand you correctly, I believe what you can do is enter the jobs as appointments first. This way they will be in the calendar, and if needed, you can turn this appointment to a ticket later on (right-click the appointment and select "New Ticket From Appointment").



      Re: Another Outlook sync question

      I'm having issues when using the auto-sync with Outlook 2007. Occasionally I return to the office to find my Outlook frozen and CommitCRM non-responsive. Once I kill the CommitCRM process Outlook resumes functionality. This only happens when I enable auto-sync.

      Any ideas?


        Re: Another Outlook sync question

        Hi FunctionOne,

        Thank you for letting us know about this. I don't think we have had reports of that before, and we will need to look into this. Please send us the RangerMSP logs from the Help > Technical Support menu, and we will have a deeper look at this.



          Re: Another Outlook sync question

          If i understand correctly I think what Peter is asking for is to be able to have tickets visible in the calendar without having to create an appointment through the dispatcher. It would make it easier to look at the gaps in billable time for a tech if it was seen in the calendar.

          I could be wrong in my interpretation but I can definitely see the benefit to that.


            Re: Another Outlook sync question

            Thanks for the clarification ascendnet. I think I better understand what you guys mean and I can see how having a way to view all work done for the day (appointments and tickets) on the calendar can be helpful. I added this to our features requests system. Thanks for letting us know how we can help you

            In the meantime, you may find the history window helpful for this purpose. In the History (click the History icon on the left pane) you can see all the activity performed for this day. It shows any tickets which were created or closed, any charges which were logged, etc. and you can easily filter it by employee. This may provide a convenient to see gaps in billable time as well.

            I hope this is helpful.



              Re: Another Outlook sync question

              Which logs do I need to send you to review my issue? I'm consistently finding Outlook or CommitCRM crashed - and occasionally finding CommitCRM crashed on it's own.

              Running Vista SP1


                Re: Another Outlook sync question

                You should send us the RangerMSP logs from the Help > Technical Support menu, and we will have a look at this.


