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Height of the Ticket Description field

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    Height of the Ticket Description field

    Is there a way to make the ticket description field larger (taller).

    If I right click and choose "field settings," the options for changing the field height is greyed out.


    Luke Popejoy

    Re: Height of the Ticket Description field

    Hi Luke,

    This depends on the way you view the ticket. If you are using the complete details view, which shows the general information on the top part of the window, and the rest of the data in the tabs below, then the description fields is displayed at the top part of this window. In this case, you can drag the separator between these two parts (details and tabs) and make it lower. This will enlarge the top part and will basically make the Description fields larger.

    Using the list view (you can change the views from the top-right View menu), then you see the ticket description within the General tab at the bottom. In this case the solution is similar - simply drag the separator upwards, and make the General tab larger. This will enlarge the Description field.

    That oughtta do it.



      Re: Height of the Ticket Description field

      I see exactly what you mean...

      I am using the "List and complete details." when I drag the separator, nothing changes. I get the little separator arrow, but I can't drag anything.

      When I am in "Complete Details" view, I can change it... So that is good enough... Thanks for your help.

