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Assign asset for a charge (not Ticket)?

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    Assign asset for a charge (not Ticket)?

    Is it possible to assign an asset to a charge?

    Say I have a large ticket open with a client to upgrade 5 systems to Vista. I can't easily tag individual work to the assets in question, because the only place I can attach an asset to the work is through the ticket. So I either have to make 5 tickets for each machine, or I have to not track the work to the individual machine.

    We use tickets for larger issues (network deployment) as well as smaller issues, so being able to have more control over the charges under the ticket would be very useful. In some cases our "tickets" are more like projects - Maybe we should be using a different method for this? Do we need a "project" container?
    Projects may not be a proper fix, as I don't want to have a bunch of tickets with just one charge in them, specially when these tickets are all related. I want to cut down on my entry work as much as possible.


    Re: Assign asset for a charge (not Ticket)?

    Hi cforger, thank you for posting this question. I hear you, and allowing to link a ticket to more than a single asset is definitely something we have heard before. I will add your vote for this and also for allowing linking a charge to an asset. Thanks for the feedback.

    I will answer the subjects you raised in two parts:

    1) Right now, tickets can be linked to a single asset at a time. On a side note - this helps to track the service history for the asset via the asset's Tickets tab. This can be helpful when going to fix an asset, as you can see all the previous tickets which were logged for this asset.

    So at the moment, the best option would probably be to keep a ticket for each asset you are handling. BTW, you can easily copy the ticket (by right-clicking it and selecting the Copy option), and only change the selected asset, which can make this process much quicker.

    2) Project Management - Managing projects is best achieved by using Contracts inRangerMSP. For this purpose, Contracts function as a container for activities such as tickets, appointments and tasks, and provide a single point for managing all of the activity for the project (from the Contract's Pending tab).

    The benefit is that you can manage all the different jobs for the project as tickets under the contract, add the charges in the tickets, and still be able to create a single invoice for all of this activity by creating the invoice or generating a charge report in the Contract level. This will list all the charges which are related to the project together. You mentioned that you'd rather not use a project solution, however, there are various benefits in using it, especially when many assets with different problems are involved.

    I hope this helps.


