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Asset management

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    Asset management


    Can i delete all assets at once linked to a contract rather than manually one by one deletion? I've got a contract with changes in the assets every month. I need to import all of them to the current assets. Do they add the quantity for the same item? or they override the current ones. I guess i need to delete those taken out from the asset one by one if i cannot delete them first all at once before importing.

    And another thing, is there any issue with the service history if i delete that particular asset that link to that job?


    Re: Asset management

    Hi Rohizam,

    Thank you for your question.

    I'll try to provide some relevant information and I hope this will answer your question.
    Assets in RangerMSP can be linked to tickets in order to track the service history for the asset. Assets which are already linked to tickets cannot be deleted as the system has to keep the information for history tracking.

    What you can do is manage the service expiration in the asset's warranty and license expiration dates in the Asset level, so you can generate reports to see which asset warranty is about to expire and make sure the customer pays for the service. The system also alerts when the asset's warranty is expired when trying to use it (for example, when trying to open a new Ticket for this Asset), so you do not provide service for expired assets. Click here for more details on managing assets expiration dates.

    I hope this helps.


