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Frequently used text - because i am too tired to type!

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    Frequently used text - because i am too tired to type!

    we are all busy, very busy, we work all day but always find that getting the information into CommitCRM is one of those things we have to do but hate doing....

    i get to the end of the day and find that i have to update all my tickets so i can get them emailed to customers to keep them informed...

    i know i should be doing this as i go, and believe me i own everything that i can think off to make it easier, i carry 2 laptops in the car, one stays in, one goes with me, i have the car permanently connected to the net, i sync everything to outlook/exchange which syncs with commit, i use windows mobile powered phones to sync and adjust times etc, i have desktops everywhere, i use the web client,


    i still have to type the content!

    i would like to see in commit, instead of manually typing or cutting and pasting from messy text files, the ability to choose frequently used text

    we could build some job contents and with a few simple clicks have text for various tasks dumped into the resolution tab and formatted nicely

    please help me get more sleep....


    Re: Frequently used text - because i am too tired to type!

    Here's one way another has done this. The feature was really useful to cut typing.
    My previous tracking system (Fogbugz) has a nice feature they called Snippets. You could have global snippets and snippets by individual login.
    Typing a short code plus an escape character (usually the grave key "`") caused the code to immediately be replaced by the Snippet.
    Any implementation should be multi-line and maybe have few special keys like date and time.


      Re: Frequently used text - because i am too tired to type!

      Hey guys,

      Thank you for your feedback and suggestions.

      Adding a feature which will help to include automatic text is a great idea and is something we are considering to add in a future release of RangerMSP. We'll need to look into how we might be able to do it, for sure. Get rid of that extra bunch of work for you and help you get more sleep... :-)



        Re: Frequently used text - because i am too tired to type!

        One addendum to this discussion - I've noticed that when in a ticket or other item - there is no ability to select All using the common CTRL/A option. CommitCRM doesn't recognize this key stroke so you end up having to manually select all using your mouse and scrolling in the small window space.

        Can we get the addition of support for the common CTRL/A 'Select All' function? That would make copying and pasting of common items just that much easier.


          Re: Frequently used text - because i am too tired to type!

          Hi FunctionOne, thank you for posting this. Sounds like a nice little enhancement and I will add this to our to-do list, to make life easier :-)

          Right now you can also right-click the edit box area, and use the "Select All" option from the pop up menu. This will save you the scrolling...

          Thank you for letting us know how we can help.


