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CommitCRM Web Interface for Customers

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    CommitCRM Web Interface for Customers

    I purchased the Web Interface for Customers but haven't really be able to use it for the reasons below. Can you tell me if there is a way to do this or add a request for a update toCommitCRM. Hopefully soon, I desperately need to be able to use this with my customers.

    1) Need the ability to mark items as private. There are times when an owner requests something that we would not to be visable by anyone other then themselves.

    2) Need to have different levels of access for a customer (Owner, Manager, Employee). Owners can see everything for the account. Managers can see everything except items marked private (Owner requests). Employees can only see their own tickets.

    We need to be able to give customers access to the Web Interface but there is just no way that we can have all of the ticket information available to any employee that has a Web User set up for them.

    To other CommitCRM users: Please let me know how you handle this.

    Thanks in advance

    Re: RangerMSP Web Interface for Customers

    Hi ascendnet, thank you for posting this. I hear you, and can fully understand the situations where this may help. I'll log these as feature requests. Thanks for the feedback.



      Re: CommitCRM Web Interface for Customers

      Please keep in mind that it's more then just that this will help. There is no way that I can allow just about any customer access to their account unless they are the owner without this in place. I'm sure all of us have tickets created with detailed information that should not be viewable by just anyone within a company.

      Can you check with development about some kind of ETA. I've got customers pushing to be able to access their accounts over web. When I signed on with CommitCRM I told them that they would be able to do this but I just can't allow it until there are more way to lock the information down.



        Re: RangerMSP Web Interface for Customers

        Thank you for the additional feedback.

        As mentioned, we are currently working on 5.0. This will not be implemented for this release as we are already late in the development phase. We may add support for this in a future release, however, currently we don't have an ETA for this yet.

        For the meantime, you should consider using the customer Web portal and setup Web access users only to customer' users that can see all of the information which relates to the customer, usually the owner and the other managers.
        Another option would be to limit what all customers can see (Tools > Options > Web Interface tab). This may let you setup more Web users for customers, though everyone will be able to see less detailed information. I hope this works for you.

        All in all, your feedback is noted and it will seriously be considered. Thanks.

