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Refresh Invoice Reference Values

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    Refresh Invoice Reference Values

    getting an error when trying to manually link a charge to a qb invoice:

    Could not find QuickBooks invoice created in CommitCRM with this invoice reference number for the selected Account.

    If you are sure such an invoice exists, please run the "Refresh Invoice Reference Values" from the QuickBooks menu and try again.

    where is this menu and how do I get CommitCRM to recognize the latest invoice numbers?

    thanks --


    Re: Refresh Invoice Reference Values

    You can find this option when viewing the Charge list, click the QB icon on the tool bar. A popup menu will be displayed, and the last option is Refresh Invoice Reference Values. You can see a screenshot and more information on this in the user guide here.

    I hope this helps.



      Re: Refresh Invoice Reference Values

      this is not working... we keep getting the same error... for some reason, CommitCRM keeps creating invoices with numbers that are already in QB. When this happens we need to manually change the invoice in QB to the next one in the series.... when we try to update CommitCRM with the new (correct) invoice number, it gives us this error.



        Re: Refresh Invoice Reference Values

        Hi ray,

        This behavior sounds very strange, since the invoice numbers should be assigned properly by QuickBooks. You shouldn't change the reference numbers manually, and we need to find out why the numbers are not assigned properly first.

        Please make sure that when you create the invoice in QuickBooks, you DO NOT change the Reference Number via the Invoice Creation Wizard in RangerMSP. You should leave the Reference Number field in the wizard to show <by QuickBooks> which means that it will be automatically assigned by QuickBooks.

        If the Invoice number is still not assigned properly, please make sure your QuickBooks settings do not allow duplicate reference numbers. This has something to do with the automatic incrementing reference number in QuickBooks settings.

        As for the error - I now understand why this happens: the option of linking a charge to an existing invoice in QuickBooks is relevant only for invoices which were created by RangerMSP. Once you change the reference number this will not work. The idea behind this feature is to be able to add charges to an existing invoice in case you wish to update the invoice and add additional work to it. It's not designed to allow linking the charge to any invoice in QuickBooks.

        I hope this helps.


