Users can save their own windows settings within the RangerMSP application so that they can reuse the configuration that is most comfortable to them every time they log in. This can save time, and allows you to arrange the windows as you prefer.
1) Save window locations – Move windows, such as Accounts, Tickets, etc., around on your screen, and resize them as you like. These window locations and sizes will be saved for the next time you log in toRangerMSP.
2) Save tab size – You can resize the tabs section on your display, and it will be saved so that each time you open a new window, the ratio between the top part of the window and the tabs on the bottom will be the same.
3) Save current filters – If you use filters when viewing lists (such as for Accounts, Tickets, Dispatchers, Employees, etc.), you can save the current display so that each time you log in to the system, the same filter will be displayed.
(1) Let's say you want to permanently hide some of the employees that show up in the dispatcher (e.g. some persons are non-technical and not part of your billable work). You can remove them by hiding them in the dispatcher's calendar window, and then save these settings. Next time you login the dispatcher will show only the users you have selected.
(2) In case you do not wish to view secondary contacts in the main accounts window, you can hide the secondary contacts (click the [all types] menu and un-select the Show Secondary Contacts indication). Then save these settings so the window will open this way next time you login to the system.
Saving the Display settings is performed from Windows menu > Save Current Open Windows configuration for Next Login.
The RangerMSP Team
1) Save window locations – Move windows, such as Accounts, Tickets, etc., around on your screen, and resize them as you like. These window locations and sizes will be saved for the next time you log in toRangerMSP.
2) Save tab size – You can resize the tabs section on your display, and it will be saved so that each time you open a new window, the ratio between the top part of the window and the tabs on the bottom will be the same.
3) Save current filters – If you use filters when viewing lists (such as for Accounts, Tickets, Dispatchers, Employees, etc.), you can save the current display so that each time you log in to the system, the same filter will be displayed.
(1) Let's say you want to permanently hide some of the employees that show up in the dispatcher (e.g. some persons are non-technical and not part of your billable work). You can remove them by hiding them in the dispatcher's calendar window, and then save these settings. Next time you login the dispatcher will show only the users you have selected.
(2) In case you do not wish to view secondary contacts in the main accounts window, you can hide the secondary contacts (click the [all types] menu and un-select the Show Secondary Contacts indication). Then save these settings so the window will open this way next time you login to the system.
Saving the Display settings is performed from Windows menu > Save Current Open Windows configuration for Next Login.
The RangerMSP Team