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XML API by Email Usage & Brainstorming

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    XML API by Email Usage & Brainstorming

    I was watching to a presentation by Autotask where they mentioned the ability to have a web page form automatically create a record in their system. I got to thinking this would be useful for CommitCRM users as well. I obviously have a need for it as well. My need would be a PHP form that would automatically email the correct XML format to the CommitCRM Server. For those reading this post, what ways could you seeing integrating the ability to create/modify data in CommitCRM via a form on your company website?

    I think the following would be useful:

    The "Contact Us" page would create a new prospect account and an opportunity for that account. I wonder if it should also create a ticket requiring action.

    A mailing list subscription and opt-out page. The subscription page would operate similarly to the contact us page mentioned above. The mailing list opt-out page would require an email address change the appropriate field to reflect they no longer want to receive email.

    Any other ideas? For the CommitCRM team, do you think this is possible?


    Re: XML API by Email Usage & Brainstorming

    CommitCRM already has the interface in place to pull at least some of this off. With the email connector you have the ability to create new records in CommitCRM based off formmail type scripts on your website. On our website I have multiple forms, for different offers. Each form sends an email formatted with the CommitCRM XML/API format and noting the type of request to the email connector which then creates the new prospect. I am sent an email notification from CommitCRM each time this happens.

    I am using the following php formail script to handle the website email generation:

    Where you are going to run into trouble is with the sales opportunity, and the ticket automatically opening on the newly created propect. My understanding of the API is that to create objects (opportunity, ticket or charge) for an contact you must send the CommitCRM recid value of the contact to the API to connect the new object to a contact. You would either get the recid of the newly created contact via odbc, or I believe the CommitCRM email connector can send back an email reply with the recid. Once you have recid you could create the other objects for the contact easily.

    The basic formmail script I am using cannot pull off the opportunity and ticket. email2db might be able to handle this portion assuming the CommitCRM API email kick back notes what kind of request was made, if you have more then one offer. If you only had one form / offer sending prospects to CommitCRM I am sure email2db could pull this off.

    As far as the opt in / mailing list subscription I would consider using an email marketing software to handle the mailing list portion. I am using Email Marketer from they also provide email marketer as SAAS if you don't want to host it yourself. I am paying 15/mo for their service. I am currently auto responding with the tectite formmail script and manually transferring the prospect into Email Marketer.

    This is what is working for me.

    Vernon Southmayd
    Creative Computing


      Re: XML API by Email Usage & Brainstorming

      Vernon, would you mind sharing your formmail code? I think I'll go ahead and implement that. If can, please contact me at aj AT technovisionaries DOT com. Thanks!


        Re: XML API by Email Usage & Brainstorming

        Sure thing. It is on the way.


