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Reoccuring Monthly Blocks within a Contract term

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    Reoccuring Monthly Blocks within a Contract term


    Just looking at your product and would know if you can do the following or can it be implemented in a later version?.

    Say I hav various clients who have a SLA/Contract for say 12 months which gives them a certain amount of time/tickets per month which if unused will expire at the end of each month however when the new month start they have been assign the new block of time/tickets as per the contract/SLA etc.

    EG: You get a contract for 12 months with me which I will give you free 2 hours each month and get charged after that 2 hours have been used in that month which also if you don't use them they don't roll over but will reset back to 2 hours at the begining of the next month.

    Only way I can see this is you expire the contract every month which would be a pain to have to redo every month over the course of the contrat term.

    Regards, Chris

    Re: Reoccuring Monthly Blocks within a Contract term

    Hi Chris,

    Thank you for your question.

    The recurring monthly block-of-time contract in RangerMSP should provide you with exaclty what you need. Each contract in RangerMSP has a start and end date. You can create a monthly contract and when it expires use the batch copy wizard to renew the contract. This wizard helps you to renew all contracts which are about to expire in a single step, which makes it really easy to renew each month.

    You can find very helpful information about creating and renewing recurring contracts in the relevant section in the user guide here.

    I think using recurring contracts will provide you with exactly what you need.

    I hope this helps!


