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4.5 Release and Roadmap

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    4.5 Release and Roadmap

    Not to nag, but could could CommitCRM layout the features that have been commited to the 4.5 release and an estimated release date. I notice that the product roadmap has been removed from the site. I know we users have asked for the kitchen sink, but it would be helpful to know what features are in development for the upcoming release.

    If a feature is not coming in up coming releases, we can work on scripting it using the API. I just do not want to waste time writing code for the same features to finded them addressed in the next update of the core CommitCRM product. This is where the roadmap was handy. I also realize that features defined in the roadmap for future versions are not guarantees that we will see those features in that release, just that CommitCRM sees those features as valid options that you desire to add and their priority.


    Vernon Southmayd
    Creative Computing

    Re: 4.5 Release and Roadmap

    Hi Vernon,

    Thank you for your question (I am sure many others are interested in this as well).

    We constantly receive great feedback and numerous suggestions from our users. We love this feedback, it helps us become better and we track everything. We also try to prioritize based on popularity, how long it will take to develop, how many users will benefit from a feature etc.

    Even though we want to develop everything for the next release... we just can't :-(

    We also try to avoid situations where we list a feature on our roadmap, a new customer decides to purchase assuming the feature will be included in the next release... and then we decide not to include it... (for example, in cases where another popular request is included instead). The new customer will be unhappy (to say the least) and we'll definitely feel bad about it...

    We must keep the option to be dynamic, responsive to new requests, be able to make changes and keep our users happy.

    That said, we will be happy to provide relevant information regarding any specific features which you are considering, and to let you know if this is planned to come up in the coming release, etc. so you will be able to plan accordingly. We appreciate your motivation to develop your own tools and will be happy to assist where our help is needed.

    I hope this makes sense.



      Re: 4.5 Release and Roadmap

      I understand why it was taken away. Roadmaps are not a guarantee of performance, but others may not understand and attempt to give grief when they do not materialize. It would be nice to know what is set for the currently upcoming version once it is committed to the development code for release.

      As for time frames of delivery of patches I also understand the point of view that you are being beat on those time frames. Leaving us in the dark about updates does stop the constant flow of questions of when can we have it. But leaving us in the dark does not make us happy. (previous bad experience with our ISP CRM that I am sure is not occurring here).

      Thanks for the explanation and the responsive support you guys give on the existing product.

      Vernon Southmayd
      Creative Computing, Inc.


        Re: 4.5 Release and Roadmap

        Bottom line here is most of your competitors offer some sort of roadmap - again, with the caveat that we are all adults here and we understand the complexities of software development and that not all features may make each release.

        That said, we are also all business oriented folks here and we completely understand the desire to not advertise to your competitors where you are in your pipeline by making your roadmap available to the public.

        A simple solution would be to add a new private section to your forum - only accessible by paid members where we can see upcoming roadmap related information. This way we can have access to the information - but it won't be readily available to your competitors, only to your paid customers.

        Again, with the understanding that we won't hold you to every item on the list.

        We get it.


          Re: 4.5 Release and Roadmap

          Thanks for the additional input on this (popular :-) ) topic. We hear you and we're going to discuss this internally, we will probably make some changes on this after the coming release. Thanks for sharing your thoughts about this, it's very helpful.



            Re: 4.5 Release and Roadmap

            Perhaps a compromise here would be to give a category teaser instead of a bunch of specifics. For instance, instead of saying you will be adding a specific feature in the ticketing section, you simply say that there will be updates made in the ticketing section. This way, the user community knows that there are some changes coming to that area.


              Re: 4.5 Release and Roadmap

              I appreciate the effort to find a middle ground, but teasers and roadmaps are not equivalent information to make decisions. I would rather have no information since the teaser lets our mind wander and then we are upset the feature we envisioned from the teaser is not in the release. "But I have been waiting for that!"

              I do understand Commit's position. Unfortunately, we have driven them to that position. I do not believe it is the best choice, but it is made. My opinion would that if a vacuum of information is to occur, that smaller releases more frequent releases may at least blunt the constant nagging for release dates.


