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Feature Poll - Let's Vote!

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    Re: Feature Poll - Let's Vote!

    No offense, acrosser, but that sounds complicated!! :)

    Why don't you just create the invoice and mark it as pending? Or let the boss review the charges inCommitCRM? ...but an estimate?

    Oh well, I'm sure I have things that need to change too, lol!




      Re: Feature Poll - Let's Vote!

      None taken! :-)

      Yeah Luke you're right... I don't use QuickBooks so I didn't really understand why they were creating Estimates and then creating invoices from them. Apparently it has something to do with Past Due dates (if the admins create an invoice but our owner doesn't actually approve it and send it out a week or two later, then the Past Due date is off). Also, the way they were doing it was creating several Estimates per week, then adding them all into one weekly invoice. But we can get around that by just creating an invoice at the end of the week per-Account instead of per-Ticket, then it will create an invoice for all billable charges for that account that haven't been billed yet.

      So I guess you can not include that QB-Estimate request unless anyone else wants it! :-)


        Re: Feature Poll - Let's Vote!

        Hey, it sounds like it is working - that's what counts. :)


          Re: Feature Poll - Let's Vote!

          There are a ton of things that could be added here but in the name of brevity, I will boil it down to our top five:

          1) Workflow -- CommitCRM has this wonderful "status" field for tickets and the ability to modify the list which could be an INCREDIBLE workflow trigger but it has some problems -- particularly when generating invoices. In order to keep from billing work in progress there needs to be a way to sort (or include/exclude based on status) in the "Ticket Status" column in the "Charges" screen OR better yet, when prompted at the "2. Charge Selection" screen under 'Generate Quickbook Invoices -> Account', a way to include/exclude based on status. On a sub-note here, it would be great if we could edit the group memberships (open, in-service, closed) in the "custom status values" window.

          2) Integration -- get the fields in CommitCRM to match those of outlook... should be a one-to-one, field-to-field match. There are way too many holes here such as phone numbers and email addresses. Currently, there are only three phone fileds for secondary contacts in CommitCRM while outlook allows for 19! If the intent is to utilize the account fields as well, then better integration between the account/secondary contact and individual outlook contacts needs to be figured out.

          3) Search -- get the system to be able to search globally in a very simple manor... From anywhere in commit, we should be able to click a single search button, enter text (wild card, whatever), select what areas to search (tickets, assets, accounts, charges, etc.) and find what we are looking for. Search is absolutely one of the weakest links at this point.

          4) Inventory -- add a real inventory tracking module... one that allows us to enter items into stock then quickly transfer them to a client (asset)/ticket/charge...

          5) Email connector -- fix the email connector so that ALL ticket requests are processed by commit, not just the ones that CommitCRM “feels” like handling. A missed ticket is a potential lost client. I have talked about this before and proposed a very simple solution (here towards the bottom).

          Thanks again and looking forward to the next update!



            Re: Feature Poll - Let's Vote!

            how 'bout a simple PING or TELNET to port Monitoring.



              Re: Feature Poll - Let's Vote!

              I am with Ray -- Our biggest issue with CommitCRM at this time is making sure that charges get billed. While the reports feature is helpful, it is not the easiest possibility, I am sure. It would be different if we could leave the print out list on screen, as I use two monitors. But having to print multiple pages seems like a waste.

              A possible alternative might be an automated weekly report on items unbilled.

              Any other suggestions??


                Re: Feature Poll - Let's Vote!

                Have you tried using the Invoice Creation Wizard? This is a very useful tool (even when not using QuickBooks), because it shows the open balances - which means it shows all billable charges which haven't been marked as Billed yet. Once the charge is billed, it is removed form the list and accounts which do not have any open balances will be removed from the list completely. You can try it from File > New > QuickBooks Invoice (no need to have QuickBooks license in order to run the first steps of the wizard)



                  Re: Feature Poll - Let's Vote!

                  Thanks for the post I just tied my CommitCRM to Quickbooks and was just about to find a way to list all unbilled charges.


                    Re: Feature Poll - Let's Vote!

                    I second Ray's feature requests fully!


                      Re: Feature Poll - Let's Vote!

                      I totally agree with all of acrosser's suggestions about the Outlook sync. It needs to be brought in line with how mobile technicians actually work and streamline appointment getting into their diaries. I have turned off the autosync as it does my head in every time the window pops up and takes focus from what i am doing. All of that should be automated on the server without the client needing to know about it.


                        Re: Feature Poll - Let's Vote!

                        Nah, no port monitoring. That's byond the scope of the product. Use your MSP software for that.


                          Re: Feature Poll - Let's Vote!

                          I would have to agree with "raymond" on features and their importance!


                            Re: Feature Poll - Let's Vote!

                            Exchange integration -- I would like to see full Exchange integration where emails, tasks and Calendars sync without having to worry about Outlook. Emails can be sent through CommitCRM and go to the Sent folder and emails can be received in CommitCRM as well..

                            MSP system Assets update CommitCRM Assets.

                            Contract Billing by assets monitored.

                            Quotewerks Integration


                              Re: Feature Poll - Let's Vote!

                              The Features I would like to see added.
                              This is after the newly release 5.0 update (I've been beta testing)

                              1. With the Activity Templates introduced in V5.0 - I would like to be able to assign a default Activity Template to every ticket that is created. Because they are new in the V5.0, released today, let me define the activity template. They create and assign quickly multiple tasks at once for repetitive activities. Ex. Building a server - There are task that you do over and over again some that might make your business stand-out from the bosses, cousins, kid who "knows" about computer. You can define those tasks so that they are repeated every time you do a server build in an activity template delivering the same quality of service every time and repeatable. For us there are repetitive task that we do for every ticket. Maybe it is a task of billing the customer, or a confirmation call the day before the appointment or a task that delivers a higher standard of service in your company (i.e. makes your company stand-out). I may be over simplifying this, now we have the activity templates I don't think this would be too tough of an add.

                              2. Again with the activity templates - I would like to have a "when charged activity template" that can be assigned to an item. Very basic example - You sell and set up an anti-virus/anti-spyware program to a client. That includes a 1 year subscription to the definitions. A little before that year expires you want to contact that client and get their AV renewed. Let’s generate a task based on the activity template for that item, when the tech adds the item to the charges. With V5.0 you can manually go to the pending task tab and manually create a task or apply an activity template. But that is an extra step that the tech has to remember to do when they charge that item every time. If you have ever had a day that has not gone quite as planned it is easy to forget that one time and those add up. This could also apply for flat-rate (unit) items... going back to the server build example - maybe you charge a flat rate to build the server. Now instead of having to go in and apply the activity template, for the server build then once complete the tech has to charge for that item; it is a simple as adding the charge on the front-end. Now not only do you increase the quality of your service by delivering constant repeatable service but you also increase your billing or charging accuracy because it is done on the front-end; not at the back-end where the tech gets in a hurry to get the product or service out-the door and delivered. I think this should be a simple thing to add as well. A field in the item table, a couple of line of code in the charging modules that call the apply activity template module.

                              3. Again Activity templates – When creating new tickets, accounts, assets – it would be nice to apply one or more activity templates. Customer calls and has an infected machine you have specific procedure to follow for removal – add those tasks to the ticket right when it is created. I think when you copy contracts it will prompt to copy the activity template. This does not seem like an easy add.

                              4. Tie Assets to a contact and task for those assets under that contact. Maybe you do preventive maintenance on workstations as a part of the contact. However client does not want all their assets covered under the contact need to be able to identify which asset is covered and which is not.

                              5. It would be nice if CommitCRM would, tie into the customers balance in QuickBooks. When a customer contacts you for an appointment, it would be nice to know that they have an outstanding balance or a credit when before creating a ticket or appointment. Or having to switch over to QuickBooks to find it.

                              6. On the inventory management suggestion that has already been made, it would be nice CommitCRM would tie into the inventory on-hand value from QuickBooks as well. To take it further have the choice to search only on “in-stock items”


                                Re: Feature Poll - Let's Vote!

                                Just thought of number 7
                                Ability to define a default printer for a specific report - you have specialize paper that you want this on report printed on. instead of swapping that paper in and out, if you have multiple print trays or printers you could didicate one to the specialied paper. Then set just that report to that location.

