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Tip - Alerts Server - Filtering incoming Alerts in Outlook

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    Tip - Alerts Server - Filtering incoming Alerts in Outlook

    When using the Alerts Server to receive email alerts for any update in the RangerMSP database, you may wish to automatically filter some of the email alerts and move alerts to a different Outlook folder so they don't clutter your Inbox (for example if you have a separate folder that serves as the Inbox for alerts; or a folder that files alerts that you are not interested in).

    You can create Outlook rules to filter incoming email according to the Sender (the Alias name you set in the Alerts Server System Settings) or the email's subject.

    For example, you may wish to receive Ticket Manager Alerts, but not Alerts for each Document added to the Ticket. To accomplish this, create a rule in Outlook that moves these emails to another folder based on the email alert subject prefix.

    Here is an example of a subject line of a Ticket Manager email alert:

    [tkt-mgr] RangerMSP Document - New [0500-0002, Completed, Natalie, Internet - Cafe, Inc.]

    To filter this email you can therefore create a rule that any email starting with: "[tkt-mgr] RangerMSP Document" will be moved to another folder.


    The RangerMSP Team