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Create fields that can perform calculation?

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    Create fields that can perform calculation?

    Hi, I am not sure if this topic has been touched on, apologize if this has been and just point me to the relevant thread.

    I would like to find out if it is possible for me customize a field in the customize report to perform some kind of calculation and tabulation. For example, I am printing a report of appointments from calendar, it shows the time the appointment started and end (10 to 11am). I would like to create a field that will display the duration of this appointment (e.g. 1 hour), so this field has to be able to perform simple calculation that will know that from 10 to 11am is 1 hour duration.

    Is it possible?


    Re: Create fields that can perform calculation?

    Hi Lilian,

    Unfortunately using the report designer to customize will not let you do this. It does let you design new layouts, perform calculations like summaries, average amounts, min/max etc. however it doesn't let you transform from/to times to a single duration field.

    To track durations for billing purposes or in order to perform internal analysis of employee utilization, you may use time charges report. To do this, you should create a time charge based on the appointment (right-click the appointment and select "Charge Appointment) and the duration of the appointment will automatically copy to the charge. You can then generate various reports for the charges.

    Another alternative would be to use the Export Wizard in RangerMSP and export your appointments data to Excel and perform the calculations there (from Tools > Import & Export > Export...).

    I hope this helps.



      Re: Create fields that can perform calculation?

      Hi, ok thanks.

      Even if I use the export tools, it doesnt allow me to export the calendar section right? I didnt see that calendar can be exported.


        Re: Create fields that can perform calculation?

        True, it is not a part of the wizard and you should export it using the Table Options - Export option.

        When viewing the appointments list under the Dispatcher/Calendar window, you should right click above the appointments list and a menu will open - select Table Options > Export Table Data.

        I hope this helps.


