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Customized login page

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    Customized login page

    We are trying to integrate the login form into our webpage that is hosted on another (internal) server. I have read the instructions and followed them properly as far as I can tell, and have tried copying/pasting the code straight from the readme.txt as recommended. I'm fairly proficient with this sort of stuff and I have reviewed the code after entering our server information where required and there doesn’t appear to be any errors or problems due to the copy/paste. I have done a “view source” on the page once it is in the browser and the code appears to be correct on the rendered page.

    It is still not working and is giving us the following error:

    ‘document.CmtForm.CmtUsrNamePrm’ is null or not an object

    I believe this may be a problem with the fact that the javascript files aren’t on our webserver. Are there more steps to follow if we’re hosting the site on a different server? The instructions seemed to be appropriate to this scenario, as I can’t imagine many people would host their company website on their CommitCRM server.

    Any guidance would be appreciated. We’d like to be able to steer people into the ticketing system straight off our website.

    Also, is there an option to remove the CommitCRM branding from the bottom of every page? We prefer not to broadcast the internal tools we use whenever possible for a number of reasons.

    Re: Customized login page

    They can tell you how to remove the tagline from the email and web interface. I do think it still appears on the web interface if your employees log-in which should be no problem.

    'CmtUsrNamePrm' is the form field for the username. It does exist on the same page you use the JavaScript validation code. That being said, I think there is something wrong with their example if memory serves me correctly. I would suggest you go to your default CommitCRM login web page and use that source for your website. Just change the form action to be something like:


    Hope this helps.



      Re: Customized login page


      Thanks for the tip ajgyomber - using the RangerMSP login page is indeed a good option which may be simpler to implement, and is definitely a good way to go about it. This means you only add a link to the login page on your Web site, and this will open the RangerMSP Web Interface login window separately.

      That said, embedding the login page in your Web site is possible, and using the sample from the user guide (see here) should work for you. It's hard to tell without seeing the actual source code on your site, but my guess is that there is some header missing in the Javascript part - I suspect the header: <SCRIPT language="JavaScript"> is missing on your page. We will be happy to have a look and provide more accurate information on this. Please send us a direct note with the URL pointing to the login page you have embedded on your site and we will have a look at it.



        Re: Customized login page

        I figured out the problem and will probably just build a static page on our site for this. Our site is built off the Drupal CMS package and, even though I tell it not to filter any code on that page, it is stripping the form name from the code and causing that error.

        Thanks for the help.

