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Color Coding Account

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    Color Coding Account

    I'm looking for a way to distinguish certain accounts, namely clients who have been fired. When they call in, I'd like the CommitCRM Interface to give my techs some in-your-face warning that we are no longer to deal with these clients. Maybe a logo that shows in the General account tab? Is there a way to do something like this is CommitCRM or does anyone have a system in place for this?



    Re: Color Coding Account

    Hi Russ,

    There are a few ways to achieve this in RangerMSP, depending on the level of "warning" you wish to receive:

    1. Each Account can have a "Pop-up" message defined, which appears whenever you open this account. So you can make anote regarding this customer, and this note will appear in a pop-up window when viewing the Account in the accounts list window.

    2. When you create a new Ticket, you can view Service notes about the Account in the area beneath the selected Account. You can write these notes in the Account's Service tab. Note that in the Service tab, you have the Description and the Internal – the Internal is displayed to employees only, so this is not visible to account-facing material.

    3. Same goes for the Contract's Internal note field in the Contract's Details tab. The Internal note is displayed whenever the Contract is selected for a new Ticket. So you can write a note to tell your technicians not to provide service to this customer, and they will see it whenever they try to open a ticket for this customer.

    4. You can also set the Account's contract status as Suspended and when your tech attempt to use it for new Tickets or Charges, the system will warn them with a pop-up message saying that the contract is suspended, and whenever it is used anyway, it will appear in red.

    I hope this helps!


