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Time tracking tips - How to log and track internal activities

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    Time tracking tips - How to log and track internal activities

    In many cases, you may wish to keep track of time spent on internal activities, such as R&D, lunch breaks, holidays, internal network maintenance, etc. You would usually want to log this time, so you will have a full time log, without assigning it to a specific customer.

    To log charges without assigning them to a specific customer, you can enter the charges under your own company Account in RangerMSP. You can go to the Charges tab in the Account window, and simply add the charges which will be linked to this account.

    Another nice option is managing some contracts under this Account, which will be used in order to separate different types of internal activities. You can then enter the charges under the relevant contract (e.g. a contract for holidays, and another contract for R&D work). This way you can generate charge report by activity (i.e. "Contract") contract and see the charges per activity.

    BTW, instead of using your own Account for this, you can create a dedicated account, and call it by the activity it represents, such as "Holidays" or "R&D" accounts - this way you can manage each type of activity separately.

    Hope you find this useful!

    The RangerMSP Team