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Asset History and Tickets

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    Asset History and Tickets


    Is there any other way to block creation of tickets for the same asset?
    Sometimes this do happens due more then one person is logging a case.

    And another thing, once i created a ticket with assets link to it, how would i see the history of this asset? There is a way i know that i need to search the asset, then i be able to see the history but this seems too tideous.

    I need it to be like when i create a new ticket or i check a created ticket, the resolution/History should be able to show the history of the assets link to the tickets.

    This way when customer start to ask when is the last time we serviced them, easy...just see the open ticket...can see all the history pertaining to the asset.

    Re: Asset History and Tickets

    Hi Rohizam,

    When you create a new ticket, in the "New Ticket" window you have the list of open tickets for this customer. This list is automatically populated as soon as you select the Account.

    This way, when someone start adding a new ticket for the same issue, they can review the currently opened tickets for this customer and see that a ticket for this issue is already opened. They can then immediately navigate to the already existing ticket by double click it on the list list (this will also stop the new ticket creation process).

    As for viewing the Asset History - you can either open the Asset window, search for the Asset and see its history, or, you can simply go directly to the Asset details from the Ticket window: when viewing the ticket details go to the Asset tab - right click above the select Asset and from the menu that opens select 'Show Asset'.

    I hope this helps!



      Re: Asset History and Tickets

      Its not much of a help because i will have alot of open cases for one customer. The ticket manager need to one by one double clicking to see if its the same asset that they are going to log.

      If its too troublesome, they might just not look and just easier to logged in the case. These is not good as replication of cases are not favorable due to inefficiency of the system.

      Why not just make it impossible to logged a case with the same asset that had been logged before that are still have not been closed or completed.


        Re: Asset History and Tickets

        The software are supposed to help us to make less mistakes and be more efficient in tracking cases at a glance. Cases are just cases but asset link to the cases are even more important to track.

        For e.g if a customer call to logged in a case.

        1. First we create a new ticket, then check if the asset for this ticket had been logged before that havent been closed or completed.

        2. Check the history of the asset (not the ticket history) to see if the case that the customer mentioned is a re-work cases or new problem and can advise the customer or technician accordingly.

        If no.2 need to be another screen (not at the same screen on the ticket creation screen) then its not going to be efficient as we need this information at our finger tip. Currently we need to go asset tab to check the status of the asset then click one by one if there more then one cases log for that particular asset. These steps are just to check what problem and when the cases been logged in.

        When technician call back to inquire about the history of the asset to check if its a re-work or new problem, they always give us the ticket number as reference. With this we need to go to the ticket tab, search the ticket that the technician gave us, click the asset to check what asset, then click on asset tab, search for the particular asset just to check the history.

        It would be better with the ticket screen, we would be able to see the history that link to that particular asset.


          Re: Asset History and Tickets

          Thanks for the detailed suggestion, Rohizam, it definitely makes sense. I've logged your feedback to be considered - it's great to get so well-thought a suggestion. I really appreciate you taking the time.


