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Charge Entries versus History Notes

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    Charge Entries versus History Notes

    I was noticing something tonight while entering some records.

    When I enter a charge and back-date it to an earlier date/time, the history note entry for the record also shows the date/time I used in the back-dating.

    I would seem to me that the historical record would be when the actual charge was put in the system even if that entry referenced a different date/time.

    Re: Charge Entries versus History Notes


    Interesting point - when viewing the charge or history list, you see the Charge Date in the Date column, since this is the date which is relevant for your business work-flow and for recording the activity at the customer site.

    You can always see when the charge was actually created in the database by viewing the charge details window, at the bottom part of the window - it shows you when the charge was created in the database, by whom, and when it was last updated.

    I hope this makes more sense now.


