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Quick Books Point of Sale Integration

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    Quick Books Point of Sale Integration

    We are currently evaluating CommitCRM CRM. In addition to our service business we have a retail store front which sales computers, monitors, NIC's, etc and we also offer residential computer repair. We use Quick Books Point of Sale for this portion of our business. The point of sale product manages inventory itself and hands the figures to Quick books. Since CommitCRM CRM depends on Quick books to handle inventory then using both products with Quick books will cause problems tracking inventory. Is there a way to integrate CommitCRM with Point of Sale or is their a work around.


    Re: Quick Books Point of Sale Integration

    Thanks for your question Razorback and for joining the forum.

    Actually, sounds to me like it should work OK for you. Basically, as you mentioned, RangerMSP depends on QuickBooks to manage inventory. This means that if you create Charge records which use Parts Items in RangerMSP, and then transfer these to QuickBooks in an invoice generated from within RangerMSP, this will affect the inventory amounts for this item in QuickBooks. This is similar to manually updating the inventory amount in QuickBooks. In case QuickBooks can handle being updated both by the POS part, and by other manual updates, this should work as well. In other words, QuickBooks will show you the correct inventory levels, these will be affected by: POS system updates, QuickBooks Invoices generated from RangerMSP and manual updates you perform directly in QuickBooks.

    I hope this makes sense.



      Re: Quick Books Point of Sale Integration

      Sorry for bumping an old thread but we have the same problem. My company is looking to switch our current customer tracking software and our point of sales software. We have been considering switching to CommitCRM CRM and Quickbooks w/ Point of Sale. I have a test server set up already with all three parts installed and working together. However we are running in to problems. We are a computer repair and retail store and so far we have been really impressed with CommitCRM CRM software but because of the nature of our business we need a more powerful inventory and point of sales system then quickbooks alone can provide. Quickbooks POS provides the additional features we need but because the inventory system in POS is designed not to sync with the quickbooks inventory but to replace it attempting to use CRM and POS does not work. There is no synchronization between POS and quickbooks inventory. If possible it would be great if there was an option in CommitCRM CRM that would allow CRM and POS to interact to manage inventory. Is it possible that such a feature could be somewhere down the road. I am sure we are not the only IT company that could benefit from the increased power of POS, for example POS allows you track serial numbers on each item sold, a must for anyone how needs to track warranties on hardware.


        Re: Quick Books Point of Sale Integration

        xtend_oxford, thank you for the post and feedback.

        I can understand how this may help, however, I'm not sure whether we will be integrating with QuickBooks POS any time soon. We currently integrate with many different QuickBooks versions and editions, however, not directly with POS (yet). So while we do usually listen to our users and try to provide answers for their needs I can't guarantee that this is something that will be integrated in the near future. Besides, the fact the QuickBooks POS doesn't integrate its inventory with QuickBooks might imply that it is something which is hard to achieve, though I may be completely wrong here.

        BTW, using the Assets management features in RangerMSP you can track your customers' hardware and software licenses, set serial numbers, IDs, track warranties etc. You can review the Assets Management user guide here.



          Re: Quick Books Point of Sale Integration

          We were also looking at the possibility of using CommitCRM with Quick books POS. We were quite disappointed when we read this article. As far as I can tell, there is a conflict between POS and CommitCRM when it comes to stock levels/tracking?
          Now we are going to have to choose one or the other.


            Re: Quick Books Point of Sale Integration

            I just thought I would mention that I have seen several clients that use POS and Quickbooks Pro together. There seem to be many things in POS missing that Pro fills the need for. This might be an option for you. Sync CommitCRM to Pro as well as POS to Pro.


              Re: Quick Books Point of Sale Integration

              I thought xtend_oxford mentioned that the inventory list etc was not compatible with both of them together? How have your clients found that?


                Re: Quick Books Point of Sale Integration

                We have the same problem, a retail shop, a web shop, a repair centre, and maintenance contracts. The same customers buy from us using all avenues. We are in Europe. Has any CommitCRM customer founds a way to integrate these elements.


                  Re: Quick Books Point of Sale Integration

                  I don't know that..i am using QuickBooks Point of helps business to improve inventory control and management by inventory management, identify profit margins, track order history and integrates with key business solutions.QuickBooks POS Software works alone or together with QuickBooks Financial Software Products.
                  quickbooks point of sale


                    Re: Quick Books Point of Sale Integration

                    Unfortunately Quickbooks POS is not available in Europe in the land of the Euro.

