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Ticket Resolutions

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    Re: Ticket Resolutions

    We just started using CommitCRM and I wanted to know if anything was every done to copy the labor to the resolution in some way, outside of the manual copy and paste.



      Re: Ticket Resolutions

      Hi J,

      Thanks for posting this.
      We haven't gotten around to this feature yet (we're hard at work on RangerMSP 5.3). I'll add your vote to this request as well, and mark this thread to be reviewed by the product management team.

      Thanks for the feedback.



        Re: Ticket Resolutions

        +1 for me too.


          Re: Ticket Resolutions

          You got my vote too, to simplify the charge vs resolution....


            Re: Ticket Resolutions

            +1 for me also!


              Re: Ticket Resolutions

              What is the actual purpose of the Resolution field. If it's just a place to duplicate what's already in Charges, why is it necessary at all? It must have an intended purpose, other than this. Right?


                Re: Ticket Resolutions


                Consider the Ticket Resolution field as the place the write a short summary of what exactly resolved the issue.

                Charges are used by technicians to log every step of the resolution - what they did, what is being charged, how much time was spent, how long the travel to the customer tool, etc.

                In some cases there are several Charge records for a single Ticket.
                Depending on the way the notes are written it may take some time to find the main step that resolved the issue. For example, you log Charges for the travel, for parts used, time spent, etc. while the main resolution was (for example) "Configured the router to allow traffic on port 80" - so this is what you'll probably want to write under the Ticket Resolution, and not all of the other stuff (which is important for billing and tracking purposes).

                So to sum this up - the Resolution is where you should write a short summary of what resolved the issue.

                Hope this helps.


                  Re: Ticket Resolutions

                  many of us don't use Charges to record the job in detail. I use the Resolution field as the full details of the job, as its the only way to get a neat job sheet print out with the full info and its far easier when looking back over work than having to open every charge field to see what work was done.

                  i'm not 100% happy with the way the Charges and Resolution work in relation to creating Quickbooks invoices and the limitations in creatin custom reports that use data from both sections but we get by.



                    Re: Ticket Resolutions


                    You said:
                    "...having to open every charge field to see what work was done"

                    Please note that the Ticket Resolution/History tab in Rich View mode (our recommended view) does show the content of the Charge records without you having to open each to see what has been written.

                    Besides, some reports, like "Technician Service Forms including Charges" do mix between the Tickets details and the related Charge records nicely and you can use those to customize your own (these are found under the Charges Reports Category).

                    In any case, your feedback is noted.



                      Re: Ticket Resolutions

                      yeah it does show it but its awkward still if you have several charges - some of our big jobs might go over a week or more.

