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Email Connector not working

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    Email Connector not working

    We are test driving this product right now and I have everything just about setup to get our technicians in and working but I can't seem to get the email connector working. I have an email address that new tickets come to but they are not making it into CommitCRM. Funny thing is the outgoing side works just fine but not incoming emails. Has anyone else had this problem? Please help!

    Re: Email Connector not working


    Just a guess - have you made sure that no one is pulling the incoming emails from the incoming mailbox the Email Connector should be pulling from? Sometimes the incoming emails are being "stolen" by an email client... Did you see any emails waiting to be pulled from this incoming mailbox?

    Also, make sure you send the test email from an email address which actually exists in the RangerMSP database as a customer (not an employee!).

    Besides that, I'd suggest going over the Troubleshooting section for the Email Connector, there are some helpful tips there.

    Let me know if any of these suggestions help.



      Re: Email Connector not working

      I managed to get it working once last Friday and now its not working again. I'm going to create a new mailbox and try again. I wouldn't think it would be this difficult.


        Re: Email Connector not working

        Hi dytechs, this is strange - once you manage to get it to work you shouldn't face other problems. Have you tried restarting the RangerMSP Server service?

        In any case, we may be able to help more if you send us your log files and we will look into this and see what is causing the specific issue. If restarting the service does not help, please send us the logs from the Help menu and we will check it for you.



          Re: Email Connector not working

          Found the problem. Our anti-virus software was blocking it from working.

