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Automatically Fill Charge Times

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    Automatically Fill Charge Times

    Is there a way to get the Start Time for a Charge to default to the current time on the computer? I would also like to see a way to fill the Charge's End Time with the current time when the technician clicks a button.

    Our inside Techs open a Charge as they begin work for a customer. It would save time (and improve accuracy) if the Start Time defaulted to the current time when the Charge is created. In the same line of thinking, when the Tech is finished it would be great if they could just click a button that will fill End Time.

    I realize the Timer function is available but we find it cumbersome and generally don't use it. Maybe if it could be easy launched from the Charge itself it might be more useful. But even then, it would be unnecessary if the Start and End times could be auto filled.


    Re: Automatically Fill Charge Times


    Thanks for your feedback on the charge entry process. I see how letting techs add the current time with a click can be useful, and I logged this as a feature request.

    Still, I would like to shed some more light on the benefits of using the Timer feature in this context. The Timer can be easily activated from any window by clicking Ctrl+T. This will link the timer automatically to the ticket if done from the ticket window. You can then pause and continue it as many times as you wish. You can also enter comments in the Timer window while working.

    When done, you can click the Charge button in the Timer window and this will automatically:
    1) Create a charge
    2) Link it to the Account and the Ticket
    3) Copy the comments to the charge description
    4) Copy the start-end time and the total time (without the pauses)

    And you're done! The charge with all the data is ready for you.

    I believe this is a great time-saver tool. You can run multiple timers at the same time, and pause each when needed.

    I hope this provides more information on how this tool can help you.



