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Filter in accounts view doesn't work correctly....

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    Filter in accounts view doesn't work correctly....

    If you do a filter in the accounts view, the option to filter out 'employees' does NOT appear. All the other fields seem to be there, but the filter isn't making 'employees' an option for me to exclude from my list.

    The way to check this is go to the account view, enable the FILTER check-box, press FILTER. When you get to the next screen:

    1. Choose TYPE from the "Field Name"
    2. Select DIFFERENT THAN from the "Condition"
    3. Press the maginifying glass to see what options you can exclude from the listing.
    4. NOTE that "Employees" is not there.

    Re: Filter in accounts view doesn't work correctly....


    The Account type in RangerMSP is a dynamic list of types that you can manage yourself to reflect the types of Accounts you are working with (customers, leads, partners, etc.).
    This is why we do not use this field to identify Employees - which are a fixed type of Accounts.

    To display only accounts of a specific selected type use the Accounts' Toolbar - there you'll find and drop down list, defaults to [all types]. Select the specific type to display.
    This method will only list Accounts of a specific/single type (without employees).

    To display accounts of several types use a filter, and select 'Type' Equals 'X, Y, Z' - use the magnifying glass to select the types you want.
    This method will only list Accounts of the selected types (without employees).

    Now here's the trick - if you want to display Accounts of ALL types, but without any Employee - you'll need to first edit the Account' Type drop down list and add a 'dummy' value called 'zzz-Emp' (or any other 'dummy' value, I started it with zzz so it will be last). Do not assign this type to any account. Now, when filtering the Accounts list using a filter, select ALL types you want to display (using the magnifying glass) but uncheck the 'zzz-Emp' value. This way all Accounts will be displayed without employees (the trick works because when you select to show ALL values listed in the magnifying glass, the systems simply remove this condition from the query because it usually means 'show all', Employees are special accounts and this is why this method is required).


