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Tab order for Data Entry

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    Tab order for Data Entry

    When tabbing through the "Add account" window, the tab order should be corrected to take you from the last field to the save option. Currently, if you get through the entire form and tab from the last field, it takes you to the 'cancel' option which is causing a problem as I have to keep pointing this out to keep people from deleting the data they just entered.


    Re: Tab order for Data Entry

    Good feedback on this one. Definitely can be confusing, and I logged a request to fix this behavior to go to the OK button first.

    BTW, if you hit the "Enter" before reaching the Cancel button (let's say while you are still in the last field in the window), this will activate the OK button, as this is the default button when using "Enter". Only if you hit the tab from the Country field (which is the last one in the window), you will reach the Cancel option. So, check if using the Enter on time may improve the usability for you in this case.

    Thanks again for your feedback.


