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Various Billing Charges

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    Various Billing Charges

    I have accounts that are charged normal labeor rates for services performed during regular office hours. The rate changes for off hours service. If the account requests a project to be performed, a third rate may appliy. The account may also have a contract that stipulates that a certain number of hours would be perfomed for a specific rate. How can I customize these rates without having to apply them to a specific employee. For example.

    Business Hour Rate: $160/hr
    Off Hour Rate: $240/hr
    Project Rate: $190/hr

    Contract Rate: $150/hr

    Re: Various Billing Charges

    Hi emedina,

    RangerMSP provides various ways for setting up special item rates in the item level, the Account level or in the Contract level.

    To answer your question - for different labor rates you can define a different item for each, and set the rate as the item's fixed price. Each item can have the price predefined in the item itself, so when you need to enter a labor charge for the "regular" rate, you use a specific item, and when entering a charge for "off hour" rates, you should use a different item for this purpose.

    In addition, for project with special rates, you can use the "Custom Price" option in the Contract. For each project, you can define a contract under which you will manage all the activity. You can then define a custom price for this contract, and set a special hourly rate or fixed price for items. You can click here for more details on managing custom prices for contracts.

    I believe these options will provide you with what you need.



      Re: Various Billing Charges

      Thank You

