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Contracts - end date

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    Contracts - end date

    we are noticing that when a contract has a set end date, it does not change to red when it is past the end date (like tickets do when the end/due date is past) -- this would be very useful in hleping us visually monitor contracts that need attention...

    thanks --


    Re: Contracts - end date

    Thanks for your feedback ray. I can see how making the expired contracts appear in red can indeed be very helpful, and I logged your feedback into our requests system. This is very helpful in other windows, and I'm sure it will be a good addition to the contract list as well.

    At the moment, I can suggest some ways of tracking contracts which are about to or already expired, using the existing tools.

    1) You can see all contracts which are about to expire by using the Contracts by Type and Expiration report (under Reports > Contracts), which lists all contracts which are about to expire in a given date range.

    2) Another great tool for this is the Batch Copy Wizard (available from the Contracts main menu). This wizard lists all contracts which are about to expire in a given date range, and allows you to renew them.

    3) When actually using a contract which has already expired, the system alerts the user that this contract is not valid anymore. This is a is helpful in case the contract is being used by mistake, and it can also help you be reminded that you should take care of the renewal for this one.

    I hope this is helpful!


