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Filter for Dispatcher ticket display

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    Filter for Dispatcher ticket display

    We identify tickets by Type to get different queues for Reactive service, Proactive service, Setting up new users, etc.
    For Dispatching, we want to look at Reactive service tickets without having to look through all the other tickets. (I know you can sort by Type, but still can be a lot of scrolling.)
    Adding Commit's standard Ticket filtering to the area "Tickets Marked for Dispatching" would be a great solution to this problem.
    Thanks, Allen

    Re: Filter for Dispatcher ticket display


    Thanks for the suggestion.

    I believe that all your tickets are marked to be displayed on the dispatcher.

    I recommend that you first change this settings so you'll be able to mark only the relevant tickets to be displayed.

    This can be changed under Tools > Options > Tickets tab > un-check the "By default set to display new Tickets in Dispatcher"

    Whatever the default is, you can add/remove tickets from the dispatcher by clicking the left most column in the main Tickets list - when the flag is removed the ticket won't show in the Dispatcher (this can only be set under the Details tab of each Ticket):

    It is also possible to set this flag when adding a new ticket - look at the check box at the bottom of the new ticket window.

    For all your Proactive service tickets select to show them in the Dispatcher (nothing to do for all other tickets) and no other ticket will be displayed there.



      Re: Filter for Dispatcher ticket display

      Let me try to clarify my dispatching process:
      First I would like to review all "Reactive service" Tickets as these relate to SLAs and I want to be sure these are dispatched first.
      Then I would review "Setting up new users" Tickets to fit these into the remaining dispatchable time.
      Then I would review "Proactive service" Tickets to fit these into whatever time is remaining for dispatching today.
      So I want to see all these tickets, just not see all the tickets at the same time!


        Re: Filter for Dispatcher ticket display

        I see what you mean.

        I guess the best way would be to sort the Tickets list by status and dispatch the tickets based on the status groups.



          Re: Filter for Dispatcher ticket display

          Sorry, but your suggestion does not make my work easier.
          Please put in the wish list to have a Filter for the Tickets shown in the Dispatcher sub-window.
          Thanks, Allen


            Re: Filter for Dispatcher ticket display

            Already did :-)

