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    Search Tickets by Contacts

    I've been using CommitCRM for few months now and it seems to be quite a good program that meet my company needs but i still have one issue unitl now not solve.

    I've post this question before and submit the issues to CommitCRM support but up till now i still can't get a solution. So i post it again to see if anyone else have the same issue.

    The problem is i can't search a contact via the ticket screen. Everytime i select the drop down menu, its blank and if i select the contacts window and select a name that i want to check what is the ticket number, it will go to the main contacts rather than the secondary contact.

    Do reply if you have the same problem or know how to solve this.


    Re: Search Tickets by Contacts


    Good news, this issue was handled in the coming RangerMSP 5.1 and you'll be able to filter tickets by a secondary contacts directly without having the system automatically switching to filter tickets by the main account.

    Thank you for bringing this up.

