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Using CommitCRM for tracking AYCE MSP Contracts

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    Re: Using RangerMSP for tracking AYCE MSP Contracts


    Thanks for following up on this. The ideas and comments in this threads are valuable and are currently high on our list. We will be implementing some changes in one of the coming releases, not in the next release, 5.5, though (more on this will be published separately when we have more info), but anyway, as you've probably noticed we've changed the way we release new versions recently so when I say that it will be implemented in one of our coming releases it means that it's not that far.



      Re: Using CommitCRM for tracking AYCE MSP Contracts

      With the importance of how the contacts work can you setup some kind of group to go through what you are thinking of doing vs what we need with how we do business? I really want to make sure that the contracts fit our needs as I'm sure others will here will say as well. I would hate to just have contract enhancements come through and miss some key piece and then have to wait for the next round of enhancements to them.

      If you setup some kind of panel to dig deeper into how we provide our services and contracts it would be extremely helpful in the development of this important function.

      Also in regards to the mention that it would be in one of the coming releases can you get a bit more specific on this. That is kind of the standard answer around here and I need to find out an estimate of what this means.



        Re: Using RangerMSP for tracking AYCE MSP Contracts

        Thanks ascendnet,

        I believe the content of this thread is what will guide us with on what to implement, so if you feel the above doesn't cover your requirement please post additional information. We don't have the final design yet as we're working on other stuff at the moment, but in short I believe that it will provide you with the ability to create a Contract where you decide default Billable/Not-Billable values for the different types of Charges. We may be able to share more details when we have them.

        Our current plans fare to continue releasing new versions every 2 or 3 months (last release was only 6 weeks after the previous one has been released), so I would say it's probably a few months away.



          Re: Using CommitCRM for tracking AYCE MSP Contracts

          I'm going to have to go through the thread again and compare it to our contracts, want to be sure that nothing was missed.

          One thing that I can add though is that the contract needs to have a tab where we can specify the assets that the contract covers. Contracts typically either cover an entire site or specific computers at that site. When a tech works on a ticket and adds an asset to it the contract drop down should update to only show the contracts that apply to that asset.

          Along those same line we should also have an asset tab on a ticket. We frequently work on more then only system on a ticket. Same with the charge window, should be able to add one or more assets to a charge.


            Re: Using CommitCRM for tracking AYCE MSP Contracts

            It's been about a year since this thread last had any activity so I figured I'd bring it back to the front page again.

            We too are struggling with setting up our first AYCE contracts in CommitCRM and the ability to have a custom contract where we could simply define which specific items were and were not billable as well as to define which items do or do not deduct their value from the block of money (ie: if an item is used for a part that will be set as billable, it shouldn't also deduct it's value from the block of money so it doesn't screw with our profitability reports, etc.).

            In my mind, here is how this could be implemented:

            The Custom Contract UI could have three tabs - one for each item type (Labor / Expense / Parts). Each tab would be a dump of the item names (and description if you see fit) with three simple columns of check boxes - Configure? Billable? and Deduct From Block?. Billable and Deduct From Block would be unavailable until Configure was checked.

            Various defaults and logic could be set for ease of use (when marking an item as billable it could automatically uncheck Deduct From Block of course allowing you to recheck if if you still wanted that functionality for some reason). I'll only get into that if you want me to.

            If a tech attempted to use an item on a contact that had yet to be configured a dialogue box should be displayed and this item would not be select-able in conjunction with this contract until it had been configured. The dialogue box could be something simple like:

            This item has yet to be configured for use with this contract. You must configure this item for this contract before it is able to be used. Configure now? Y/N

            Yes, takes you to the contract configuration screen no takes you back to the charge with the item blanked out waiting for you to select a different item. Alternatively, you could also choose simply not to display items on the drop down list that have yet to be configured with that contract. Might make things easier on techs as it simplifies the interface... but I'd be happy with whichever is easier to code :)

            If anyone else agrees with my description of this feature request, or has their own suggestions on how to change/improve it, please feel encouraged to comment :)


              Re: Using CommitCRM for tracking AYCE MSP Contracts

              CommitCRM Support,

              I am new toCommitCRM. Just testing actually. Has any changes been implemented or is this issue still on the radar for later releases?

              Thanks for your time,



                Re: Using RangerMSP for tracking AYCE MSP Contracts

                Hi David,

                This thread indeed lists some of the available options. You can learn all about this, and much more, by reviewing the different information listed here.

                I hope this helps.


                  Re: Using CommitCRM for tracking AYCE MSP Contracts


                  Thank you for your post. I have read all the information you pointed to and watched all those videos as well. I believe I can work around the issue by using the Block of Money contract as your videos have suggested for this type of situation. This leaves the burden on the tech to choose billable for products and could be a source for mistakes, which in my opinion is entirely what this thread is all about.

                  So again, thank you for your post, but I don't believe your post answers my question.

                  I am asking if CommitCRM still has a new type of contract that will allow labor to default to not being billable, while parts would default to being billable on the radar for an upcoming release.

                  Thanks again for your time!



                    Re: Using RangerMSP for tracking AYCE MSP Contracts

                    Hi David,

                    We may add a more automatic support for this in the future, in any case here's what you can do:
                    Use the Custom Pricing feature in RangerMSP. It works at the Contract level.
                    With this feature you can set the price/rate for Labor Items to zero at the Contract level. This means that when technicians log Part Charges under the Contract it will reduce the Money block while when Labor Charges are recorded they will default automatically to zero and will not affect the Contract block.
                    Even if you're not using a Block of Money Contract you can use it. For example, with the Global Contract everything defauls to Billable, however, when used with the Customer Pricing feature you can set all Labor Charges to zero by default, very much like setting the Charge to Not Billable manually.

                    I hope this helps.


                      Re: Using CommitCRM for tracking AYCE MSP Contracts


                      It certainly does help tons! I think it works perfectly like I need it to. Thanks for your time!


                        Re: Using CommitCRM for tracking AYCE MSP Contracts

                        What we really need to do for an MSP type of contact is to have a checkbox for “Not-Billable” when adding an item to the Custom Pricing section. It could be right on the same screen with the custom price, just an option to mark it as not billable.

                        For an MSP the items are charged to the client in one of the following ways….
                        1) Billable – full price
                        2) Billable – discounted
                        3) Not Billable – Included as part of contract

                        These really have to be defined on a per client or per contract basis. The tech should not be expected to make any changes to these types of charges and in most cases should not even have the permissions to do so. I really think you are going to see a lot more requests for this type of ability as more and more in our industry change over to an MSP type of business model.


                          Re: Using CommitCRM for tracking AYCE MSP Contracts

                          I'm a bit disappointed that this thread has been abandoned.

                          Have there been any changes in MSP contract abilities in CommitCRM since the thread?


                            Re: Using RangerMSP for tracking AYCE MSP Contracts

                            Thank you for posting this.

                            Enhancements related to MSP contracts and customizing contracts are planned to be introduced in our next release, at this time no ETA has been published.

                            In RangerMSP 9 we introduced Custom Settings for Contracts that provide much more flexibility when defining the Contracts

