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markup field --

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    markup field --

    Now that we are trying to use CommitCRM to track profit/loss on products, we really need to get this fixed:

    Currently, the markup (or discount) is not done per piece but on total... this doesn't make sense. When someone enters a quantity and a quantity price, the discount/markup should be on a per piece basis. The problem with the way it currently works is that if we go back and change the quantity at any point, the discount/markup is incorrect...

    e.g. -- qty 1, price $221, markup $19, total $240 -- if we then decide to sell them 3 units, we have to MANUALLY look at the markup, divide by the number of pieces, multiply by the new number of pieces and manually update the markup filed. This is particularly a problem when we go from 17 pieces to 23!!!!


    I can't think of a single accounting system out there that by default does it on totals instead of quantities -- this REALLY needs to change!!!

    IF people want to have it apply on the total, simply add a check box to the window that says "apply to total/apply to quantity" -- this should take someone less than a couple of hours to update in the code...



    Re: markup field --

    Hi Raymond,

    Thanks for posting this feedback.
    The discount/markup feature in RangerMSP charges is meant to adjust the total of each charge lines $ value. This means that when you markup or discount the price on a $ basis, then you're actually adding or subtracting a dollar value from the sub-total of that charge line. I.e. 3x$90=$270+$30(markup)=$200.

    If you decide to change the quantity of this type of charge, the discount/markup will not be affected, and that value will be added or subtracted from the charge sum.

    Alternatively, you can choose to use % values in your discounts and markups. This method is a little more dynamic, and can allow you the added flexibility we think you're looking for. This way, if you decide to markup a charge by 15%, then the charge will always be marked up by the 15% of the sum of the charge, allowing the markup to be dynamically adjusted by the system once the quantity has been changed.

    Also, using Custom Pricing, you can have constant markups and discounts set on Account/Contract levels. This method affects the direct price/rate of each item, both when using dollar amounts, and when using percentage values. So you won't need to make any manual adjustments to the markup/discount once you change the quantity of the charged items.

    However, when using custom pricing, the adjustment to the price/rate is not included in the printed charge data, it'll be harder for customers to notice if the price/rate has been adjusted; which could be a good thing in the case of markups.

    We'd like to thank you again for the comments you've sent and the thought you've put into making RangerMSP easier to use.



      Re: markup field --

      Seriously, the inconsistencies here are killing me! In one instance, $ markup (which should actually be called a "surcharge" in this case becasue that's what it means here) is static while % markup is dynamic. Take a look at ANY accounting system and you will find the default markup applied on a per quantity, not subtotal basis!

      Again, the very simple solution here would be to either add a check box that says "apply to total/apply to quantity" OR even better (the window layout doen't need to be updated) modify the "markup/discount" drop down list to included "none", "markup on total", "markup on quantity", "discount on total", "discount on quantity".

      thanks --



        Re: markup field --

        Hi Ray,

        Thanks for the comments.
        I've added these comments to your previous post. We'll be sure to make sure the product management teams see it.

        Let us know if you need anything else.



          Re: markup field --




            Re: markup field --

            Any progress on this? we are spending just too much time with calculators... the quick fix: modify the "Discount/markup" drop down list to included "without", "discount on total", "discount per quantity", "markup on total", "markup per quantity".




              Re: markup field --

              Unfortunately there hasn't been progress in this direction...

              We have this on file though. Hope that get to it in one of future releases.



                Re: markup field --

                just checking on this again... hoping we can see this happen in 2011. We've lost $'s in the past because the system doesn't auto re-calc the markup when we change quantities...




                  Re: markup field --


                  I see your point here - but isn't the simple solution just to use a "%"? Does that not work for you?


                    Re: markup field --

                    going on % adds steps and isn't accurate enough... first, you need to pull out a calculator to figure out the % then depnding on quantities, the system will start rounding and we will end up with "odd" charges (which is super annoying and potentialy problematic when you want to get paid). For instance if you are billed $24.59 for an item and you sell for $35, that would be a markup of 42.3342822% rounded to 42.33%. In this equation, you loose $0.01 every quantity of 5 (roughly) -- not that a penny is a big deal, just that the numbers don't "look good" AND they won't equal what the PO indicates so billing can come to a halt (when client accounting departements see authorization for $3,500 in a PO and it comes in at $3,499.98 sometimes that causes issues because they don't match).

                    cheers --



                      Re: markup field --

                      Thanks for following up on this. Nothing much has been done in this direction mainly because many other feature requests are much more popular. As you may know we have this request on file though and I hope that we'll get to add this option in one of our future releases.


