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< under construction for version 5.6 release!!>
#REDIRECT [[Continuum Link]]
The CommitCRM-Zenith Integration automatically creates tickets in CommitCRM from alerts and service tickets generated by Zenith Infotech system, or from tickets created manually by the Zenith NOC. Users can then close the Ticket in CommitCRM, and it will be closed in Zenith.
The CommitCRM integration with Zenith includes:
* Two-ways Ticket Integration.
* The ability to link Account to Site in Zenith or create Account from Site.
* The ability to link Asset to Device in Zenith or create Asset from Device.
Once the CommitCRM-Zenith Integration has been configured Zenith
Ticketing System is disabled and Ticket management is performed solely in CommitCRM.
Ticket can still be viewed in Zenith (read-only); however, the master Ticket is managed in CommitCRM. When closing a Ticket in CommitCRM it is closed in Zenith. When closing a Ticket in Zenith it adds a History Note to the Ticket in CommitCRM, however, the Ticket stays open.
'''''Technical Note'''''<br>
''The integration is based on a new Service running on your CommitCRM server (called CommitRMMServer Service), which accepts all alerts and Tickets from Zenith and creates the Ticket in CommitCRM.''
=Zenith settings=
To setup Zenith to work with CommitCRM Link, login to the Zenith Portal with Admin account and go to Configuration > Edit Member details. The Account Details window is displayed. Under PSA Details, click “PSA Settings”.
Select CommitCRM and click “Generate PSG”.
Copy the PSG and click on “Save”.
Use this PSG to complete the configuration in CommitCRM. See [[Zenith_Link#CommitCRM_Setup|CommitCRM Setup]].
=CommitCRM Setup=
To work with Zenith the following steps are required:
# Initialize Zenith PSG.
# Install CommitRMMServer.
# Validate CommitRMMServer downloads Zenith Sites and Devices to the CommitCRM server.
# Link Accounts and Assets in CommitCRM(*) to Sites in and Devices Zenith.
# Enable Zenith Integration.
''*Note to users upgrading to version 5.6:<br>
When upgrading from an older version, the Zenith Integration system will be disabled by default until activated explicitly. This is to make sure users first link Zenith Sites to CommitCRM Accounts to avoid many duplicate Accounts which will require merge. Once all Accounts are linked, users should enable the integration, see Enabling Zenith Integration.''
==Initialize Zenith PSG.==
To allow CommitRMM service to connect with Zenith and sync with it, a Zenith Partner Security code (also known as PSG) is required.
In order to connect to Zenith when activating the service, the following setup should be completed:
# Open  <Installation_DIR>\RMM\ CMTZenithLink.ini
# Copy the Security Code value from Zenith PSA Settings window, and paste your Zenith Partner Security code as the value for token PSG:<br>PSG =Your-Zenith-Security-Code
# Save your changes.
==Install CommitRMMServer Service==
Before you install CommitRMMServer, make sure to allow the CommitRMMServer service in your DEP settings.
This part of the installation should be performed on the server itself.
When logged in to the server with a Window's Administrator account, open a command prompt window and enter the following command:
<Installation_DIR>\RMM\CommitRMMServer.exe -install
''Note: The <Insallation_Dir> must refer to a LOCAL server path (e.g. c:\ or D:\Software, etc.) and NOT to a shared network name/path.''
A Window's service called CommitRMMServer is now displayed in the system services management window (Control Panel > Administration Tools > Services). If the service is not displayed, make sure you are running the command prompt "As Administrator".
'''Start Service''':<br>
Using the Window's Services Management window start the service (right-click > Start). Make sure that it is set to start automatically (Startup type > Automatic) each time the server is restarted.
==Download Sites and Devices Files==
In order for the Tickets arriving from Zenith to be created for the correct Account and Asset, all Zenith Sites should first be linked to the parallel CommitCRM Accounts, and Devices must be linked to Assets.
Managing the links requires downloading the list of Sites and Devices from Zenith. This is done automatically by CommitRMMServer once it is activated. Note that the Zenith Integration must NOT be enabled yet at this point; only the server should be activated in order for it to download the Sites and Devices details.
Once the CommitRMMServer is activated, it immediately connects to Zenith and downloads the following files:
* <server>\Commit\Dbsys\ZenithSites_RMAZENITHINFOTECHID1.cmt 
* <server>\Commit\Dbsys\ZenithDevices_RMAZENITHINFOTECHID1.cmt
Both files are XML formatted files which are used by the Zenith Links manager via the application to link Sites and Devices to equivalent Accounts and Assets.
Make sure both files exist before moving on to the next step which is Linking Accounts and Assets.
'''Handling Errors'''<br>
In case CommitRMMServer fails to download Sites and Devices details, the system will alert the user with a message when attempting to use the Zenith Links Manager (e.g. from Accounts > Tools > Open Zenith Links Manager). In such case, refer to the [[#Troubleshooting]] section.
==Link Accounts and Assets==
When a Ticket arrives from Zenith it is created in CommitCRM and automatically linked to the Account which is associated with the Site specified for the Ticket. In case the Site is not associated to any CommitCRM Account, a temporary Account is created and the Ticket is linked to it. See more details in Ticket from Unknown Site.<br>
To avoid redundant temporary Accounts from being created, all Zenith Sites should first be linked to the equivalent CommitCRM Accounts. Only when all Accounts are associated to Sites, a System Administrator should enable the integration. See [[#Enabling Zenith Integration]].
'''Link Accounts to Sites'''<br>
Before starting to work with the Zenith Integration, an Administrator must first link all Accounts to the equivalent Sites in Zenith. This step is required in order for Tickets arriving from Zenith to be opened under the correct Account.
To Link Accounts to Sites in Zenith see [[#Link Account to Site]].
'''Link Assets to Devices'''<br>
Before starting to work with the Zenith Integration, an Administrator must first link all and Assets to the equivalent Devices in Zenith. This step is required in order for Tickets arriving from Zenith to be opened under the correct Asset.
To Link Assets to Devices in Zenith see [[#Link Asset to Device]].
==Enable Zenith Integration==
Enabling Zenith Integration will immediately start importing Tickets from Zenith into CommitCRM. Make sure to [[Zenith_Link#Link_Accounts_and_Assets|link your Zenith Sites with CommitCRM Accounts]] prior to enabling the integration, to avoid duplicate Account creation. See more details in [[Zenith_Link#Link_Accounts_and_Assets|Link Accounts and Assets]].
To enable Zenith Integration and start Tickets transfer from Zenith:
# Open  <Installation_DIR>\RMM\ CMTZenithLink.ini
# Change the value for ''ProcessZenithUpdatesQueue'' to Y (by default it's set to N in order to allow user first to perform links between Zenith sites/devices to CommitCRM).
# Restart CommitRMMServer Service.

Latest revision as of 09:41, 2 September 2014

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