Email Connector
The Commit Email Connector module allows you to process incoming emails and perform appropriate actions (like creating new Tickets). It also allows you to parse and analyze XML formatted emails that contain new Tickets, Accounts, Assets or other Commit record information.
The Commit Email Connector module automatically generates new Tickets from emails sent by clients to a defined public email address. It also provides a full API to Commit using XML formatted email messages.
Email Threading
The Email Connector manages email threads for you. If a customer replies to your support email in regards to a specific ticket, or if you, as a technician, reply to the customer, the correspondence will be automatically filed under the ticket in the system.
There are two email threading scenarios:
- A customer replies to Support regarding an email sent from the system, which contains a ticket number in the email subject. In this case, the system files the email under the ticket and forwards the email to the internal email support address.
- An employee replies on a customer email, which contains the ticket number in the email subject. The employee then needs to BCC the support email to automatically file the email in the system. When a technician BCCs the Email Connector, the email will be filed in the ticket, and will not be forwarded for manual processing.
Note that this will apply only when the sender email address is defined as one of employee's emails (Email1 or Email2), and the employee is marked as an Active employee in CommitCRM. See more details on matching the email to an account in Matching by Email or Domain Name.
In both cases, the Email Connector receives the email, finds the ticket in the subject, finds the ticket in the database, and then files the email as a document under the ticket.