KB: Database Errors, Indexing Errors
Sometimes the database indexes that govern search results from the database can be corrupted for several reasons, causing inconsistent behavior when searching or loading specifically affected parts of the database. This behavior can be corrected by rebuilding your database indexes so that the data can be reassessed and properly tagged by the index files. This process is considered safe to run in order to correct suspected database indexing errors. It may also be a good practise to run it once every several months in order to make sure that the indexes are in order and up to date. In some cases, reindexing your database may also increase the overall system performance.
Please run the CommitCRM Backup Utility prior to Rebuilding the Database Indexes
To run the rebuild indexes, please follow these instructions: (Make sure you're using CommitCRM 5.0 and above)
- Close CommitCRM client on all PCs
- Stop CommitCRM services if installed and used (CommitCRM WebInterface, CommitCRM Server and CommitCRM RMMServer services).
- Stop any third-party services or programs that access CommitCRM database.
- Leave the Advantage Service running if you are using the SQL Database.
- Backup the <server>\CommitCRM\Db and <server>\CommitCRM\DbSys folders (use a standard zip/archive utility for this (such as Winzip), and/or, also copy the folder to a backup folder.
- Download the utility:
- If you are using CommitCRM version 16 and higher - Click here to download a Rebuild Indexes program
- If you are using CommitCRM version 5 to 15 - Click here to download a Rebuild Indexes program
- Save it in folder <server>\CommitCRM\Utils
- Run the downloaded program and have it rebuild the indexes
Check to see if the problem has been resolved.
If the issue persists, we will need some more information in order for us to investigate:
- Send us the log files via Help > Technical Support.
We'll analyze the logs, get you the support needed to fix this issue.