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This documentation refers to CommitCRM 5.6 or later version and assumes CommitCRM is installed and accessible on the local computer.


This document demonstrates how to use the CommitCRM C++ API library in order to programmatically connect to your CommitCRM server and query or manipulate the CommitCRM database.

System Requirements

  • CommitCRM 5.6 or later.
  • Visual C++ 2008 or Visual C++ 2010.
  • CommitLib C++ header files.
  • CommitLib.lib (the CommitCRM C++ static library).

Getting Started

After you create your C++ project, you'll need to add the CommitCRM Source folder to your include path and link with the CommitLib.lib static library file, in order to have access to the CommitCRM library classes.

Each application using the library will have to initialize on startup the CommitCRM::Application object and terminate it on exit. Initialization method requires that you pass an object instance of CommitCRM::Config class configured with the following settings:

  • AppName
This is free text, preferably the name of your application.
  • CommitDllFolder
Behind the scenes the library uses the two CommitCRM API dlls: CmtDbEng.dll and CmtDbQry.dll.
In the default CommitCRM installation you'll find these files in 'C:\\Commit\\ThirdParty\\UserDev'.
Important Note: Always point to this folder and do not copy the dll files elsewhere. This is because when the CommitCRM version upgrade runs it also upgrades the dll files stored in this folder. This verifies that you will always be using the latest release.
  • CommitDbFolder
Path to the CommitCRM database, default is 'C:\\Commit\\db'.

Assuming these default values, we can configure the CommitCRM::Config object like this:

CommitCRM::Config config;
config.AppName = "C# Demo";
config.CommitDllFolder = "C:\\Commit\\ThirdParty\\UserDev";
config.CommitDbFolder = "C:\\Commit\\db";

You should of course check where these paths are exactly on your disk and modify these values accordingly.

Now we can initialize the CommitCRM::Application object with these settings:


If anything goes wrong, the above line will throw an exception of the CommitCRM::Exception class. To prevent unexpected termination of the program execution, we recommend having any call to the CommitCRM library enclosed in a try/catch block.

Before exit, we terminate the CommitCRM::Application object:


The most basic C++ application that just connects to CommitCRM and terminates could look something like this:

    CommitCRM::Config config;
    config.AppName = "C# Demo";
    config.CommitDllFolder = "C:\\Commit\\ThirdParty\\UserDev";
    config.CommitDbFolder = "C:\\Commit\\db";


    //At this point we have successfully initialized the CommitCRM.Application
    //and can start using the other library classes
catch (CommitCRM::Exception exc)
    std::cerr << exc.error() << std::endl;