KB: QuickBooks Desktop Link Switching QBFC7

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CommitCRM - QuickBooks Desktop Link - Switching to Intuit’s QBFC7

QBFC is an API component offered by Intuit. Using QBFC allows applications, such as CommitCRM, to integrate with QuickBooks Desktop.

Supporting QBFC5 is required to integrate CommitCRM with old editions of QuickBooks, ones that had been released before 2008.

Starting in January 1, 2017 CommitCRM will no longer support using QBFC5 when integrating with QuickBooks.

Therefore - all customers integrating CommitCRM with QuickBooks based on QBFC5 must change the configuration and base the integration on QBFC7.

Note: Even if you are using a newer version of QuickBooks (e.g. editions 2008 to 2016) - you may be using QBFC5 and need to change this as soon as possible.

How to check whether you use QBFC5 or not?

Run CommitCRM and go to Tools > Options > QuickBooks to check which QBFC version is in use:

I use QBFC5 - how do I change to QBFC7?

In case CommitCRM is configured to use QBFC5 for integrating with QuickBooks, the following change is required to start using QBFC7:

  1. Close QuickBooks.

  2. Close any running CommitCRM clients on your network.

  3. Run CommitCRM client by right clicking and selecting 'Run as Administrator'

  4. Log into CommitCRM using a SysAdmin user.
    (You can tell which CommitCRM users are system admins from the following menu option in CommitCRM: File > Users & Privileges > Show Administrators… ).

  5. From the menu go to Tools > Options > QuickBooks tab.

  6. Right-click the text ‘using QBFC5 for integration’ and select ‘Switch to QBFC7.

  7. Click 'OK' and restart CommitCRM application.


Note: When using CommitCRM - QuickBooks Link for the first time after the above change, you may be asked to install QBFC:

QBFC should be installed on every PC on your network which uses the CommitCRM-QuickBooks Link. It may be downloaded here.


In case the following error occurs when trying to switch to QBFC7:

Error updating old file (32)

Please perform the following:

1. Close any running CommitCRM on your network.

2. Rename file




3. Copy file:


into folder:


4. Rename the copied file:

From <server>\CommitCRM\Client\CmtQBFC7.bpl


CmtQBFC.dpl      (e.g. remove '7' from its name).
